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A.—No. 1.



Colonies will not prevent provision being made for their federal union in respect to those interests which they possess in common as portions of the same Empire. Tour petitioners therefore humbly pray that your Most Gracious Majesty will be pleased to take the prayer of your loyal subjects into your most favourable consideration, and cause the Islands of New Zealand to be divided into two Colonies, and that each may have conferred upon it such constituent powers of legislation as shall best enable it to deal with the circumstances peculiar to itself. And your petitioners will ever pray, <&c. [Here follow 7,325 signatures.]

No. 22. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 4.) My Lord Duke, — Kawau, 14th January, 1868. I am anxious to have the honor to explain to your Grace the causes of the apparent various changes in my plans regarding the period of my quitting New Zealand. 2. Your Grace was pleased to instruct me that Sir G. F. Bowen had been appointed my successor in the Government of New Zealand, and that I was to be informed by him when he would arrive here to assume the Government of a Country only recently emerged from rebellion, and which I did not feel justified in leaving before the arrival of a duly appointed successor, unless your Grace had authorized me to do so, whilst I read your instructions as pointing the other way. 3. In a letter written from Queensland upon the 23rd October, my successor informed me that it had been intimated to him that it was desired he should assume office in New Zealand as soon as may be after the arrival of his Commission and Instructions, and that he hoped to reach Wellington either in a man-of-war or by one of the passenger steamers about the middle of December. 4. The intimation of the wishes of Her Majesty's Government having been thus made known to me, I made all my arrangements for relinquishing this Government in the middle of December last. 5. In a letter dated Queensland, the 27th November last, I was informed by my successor that he had changed his plans and would not arrive at Wellington until the 6th January, 1868, and I altered my arrangements accordingly. 6. In a letter dated Queensland, the 27th December last, my successor has informed me that he will not arrive at Wellington until the 6th February, 1868. 7. I presume, from what my successor tells me, that all these changes of plan have arisen from the non-issue of the New Commission and Royal Instructions. But I wish your Grace to see that I am not to blame for the delay which has taken place, and which will result in much inconvenience and loss to myself, as also in very serious disappointment, now that I find from my successor's letters that I am not to have the honor and pleasure of receiving in New Zealand His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, for I had flattered myself that the delay in the arrival of my successor had arisen from yonr Grace's desire to accord me this honor and gratification, which many circumstances led me, I think not unreasonably, to suppose I was justly entitled to expect. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. GREY.

No. 23. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 1.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke, — 6th February, 1868. I have the honor to report that on the 4th January ultimo, I left Queensland for Sydney, intending to proceed to Wellington, the Seat of Government in New Zealand, by the first steamer for that place. 2. From previous correspondence I was under the impression that the Queen's Commission appointing me to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of