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A.—No. 8,



assisting to bring out a wounded man. I then sounded the halt and officers' call, and tried to form the retreat into some order. Whilst doing this I took some men with me to bring in the bodies of Captains Buck and Palmer; whilst so engaged Lieut. Hastings, Corporal Eussell, and four men were killed; Lieut. Hastings I felt a severe loss, he proving himself a cool and efficient officer, even after being hit requesting Ensign Hirtzel to hide tho circumstance from the men, dreading to create further pianic. Corporal Bussoll's death also proved to mo a severe loss, his service being most efficient, doing his duty coolly and bravely throughout. Having got the men extended I recommenced my retreat, trying to force a junction, with you. Failing in this I pushed for the Waingongora, halted at dark in the bush, and remained quiet until 2 a.m., when the moon was sufficiently high to give me light and guidance through the dense bush. I was not again attacked by the enemy, and arrived in camp about 8 a.m. on the morning of the Bth. I succeeded in bringing ten wounded men with me—unfortunately one man, just expiring, I had to leave behind. I wish to bring to your notice the great assistance I received from Ensign Hirtzel all through tho most trying march, and beg to mention the cool and gallant conduct of Volunteer Sergeant Livingstone, to whose untiring efforts I owe, in a great measure, my being able to bring the wounded through the bush, as also Sergeants Anderson, Toovey, and Fleur, who were conspicuous for the assistance they gave me. I must also bring before your notice the valuable assistance of five of the Native Contingent as trackers in my retreat through the bush. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel McDonnell, J. Bobests, Sub-Inspector, Commanding Patea District. No. 5 Division, Armed Constabulary.

Enclosure 2 in No. 94. RETURN of OFFICERS and MEN of the PATEA FIELD FORCE KILLED and WOUNDED in ACTION, at TE NGUTU-O-TE-MANU, 7th September, 1868. KILLED.


Bank and Name. Name of Corps. Remarks. Constable B. Darlington Corporal James Bussell Constable Alexander Elkin ... Constable Bichard Fennessy Constable Bichard Hart Inspector G. F. Von Tempsky Constable Joseph Grilgan Constable Israel Davis Constable E. (1. Farraud Constable H. Downs Lieutenant II. Hunter Lieutenant II. C. H. Hastings Private George Hughes Captain. George Buck Lance-Corporal George Lumsden ... Private Thomas Grant Private J. H. Deeks Private George Wells Captain A. S. Palmer No. 2 Division, A.C. No. 3 Division, A.C. 55 55 55 55 No. 5 Division, A.C. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 Wellington Rangers. 55 55 55 55 Wellington Bifles. Mortally wounded; since dead. 55 55 55 55 Taranaki Volunteer Militia 55 55 Patea Eiile Volunteers.

Assistant-Surgeon W. Best ... Constable W. O'Brien Constable J. Houston Constable J. O'Connor Constable P. Burke Constable J. Hogan Constable T. Walton Constable W. Fulton Sergeant J. Toovey Constable .Tames Shanaghan Constable B. Gemmell Private McGeimiskeu Private G. II. Dore Private D. M. Harris Private W. Caldwell Private M. McManus Private John Goddard Lance-Corporal James Walden Private John Griffiths Staff No. 2 Division, A.C. 55 55 55 55 55 55 No. 3 Division, A.C. 55 55 55 55 No. 5 Division, A.C. 5) 55 Severely. Slight. Severely. Severely. Slight. Severely. Severely. Slight. Slight. Severely. Slight. Slight. Arm amputated. Severely. Slight. Slight. Slight. Severely. Severely. 55 55 Wellington Bangers 55 55 55 55 5) 55 55 55 55 55 Wellington Bifles 55 55