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A.—No. 8.

lined the front of the position where I attacked retreated by my left as Major Yon Tempsky was entering, they must have suffered severely, for they were fired at within fifty yards. One of the bodies found was Toi's father, a great chief; he was shot by Sergeant Blake. I expect to know ere long the accurate loss of the Hauhaus, which I will at once communicate. The loss on our side is, I regret to say, heavy; but, taking into consideration the formidable nature of tho position attacked, and the numbers engaged, I am surprised it is not more severe. I enclose a list of the killed and wounded —the latter, I am glad to say, are doing well. With regard to the conduct of the force composing the expedition, I am at a loss how to express my admiration of their conduct. All tho fine qualities of the tried veteran were displayed by a body of men hurriedly brought together, and unaccustomed to work together —three-fourths of them never before under fire; but the manner in which they crept along that long bush track, and then, with a cheer that those who heard can never forget, rushed on the formidable position in their front, shows me that I have men under me on whom I can rely at all times, and men whom I am proud to command. Major Yon Tempsky, with his usual tact and gallantry, was of great assistance to me, and his flank march to the pa proved of great service. The conduct of Major Hunter I cannot too highly praise. In the attack, in holding the right of the position, and in command of tho rear-guard, his coolness and ability were everything that I could desire. The conduct of Captain Newland, with No. 3 Division, A.C; and Sub-Inspector Boberts, No. 5 Division, A.C.; Captain Buck, with the Wellington; Lieutenant Hastings, with the Bangers, and Lieutenant Wray, commanding the European Contingent, showed to mo that I had officers well fitted to command men in any position, and under any circumstances. Sergeant-Major Scannell commanded No. 2 Division, A.C, on the occasion, and he and they were first amongst the enemy in Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu. I especially beg to bring to the notice of the Honorable the Defence Minister the conduct of Dr. Walker. In the thickest of the fire, or wherever his services were required, there he was to be found, and his attention and care of the wounded men was remarked by all. Acting-Assistant-Surgeon Best also proved of great assistance, and behaved well. Lieutenant Bowan's services in the attack and in crossing the river proved most valuable. Ensign Iseherwood behaved with conspicuous gallantry ; and Ensign Hirtzell well sustained his former reputation. I hope it may not be considered out of place, but I cannot refrain from recording my sense of the admirable conduct of Father Boland, the Boman Catholic priest. Ho expressed a wish to accompany the force, which was granted, and his sense of duty led him to incur the same risk as any of my force. He was by the side of the dying under heavy fire, and his consolations were offered to the wounded of any denomination. In conclusion, it is my pleasing duty to bring to the notice of the Government the valuable service rendered by Captain Cumming on this occasion: every order given was well carried out from the commencement to the finish, and his exertions and experience greatly contributed to my success. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Thos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel Colonial Defence, Wellington. Commanding Patea Field Force. P.S. —I omitted to state that the Hauhau flag was pulled down by Lieutenant Bowan, and the union jack given by the Government to the Mawhitiwhiti Natives was found in one of the whares.

Enclosure in No. 93. LIST of KILLED and WOUNDED at the Attack on TE NGUTU-O-TE-MANU on the 21st August, 1868. KILLED.


Bank and Names. Name of Corps. Remarks. Private Joseph deary Private W. A. Kerr ... Nonstable John McCoy Private Bichard Wallace Wellington Bifles Wellington Bangers No. 5 Division, A.C. Wellington Bifles Shot dead, through head. Shot dead, through back. Shot dead, through head. Shot dead, through neck.

Constable Timothy Collopy ... Nonstable James Dwyer Nonstable Edward L. Hope ... Nonstable Samuel Whiteside Corporal Thomas Lloydd Private Henry Sedgewick Private Joseph Thompson Private Hamilton deary No. 2 Division, A.C. No. 3 Division, A.C. No. 5 Division, A.C. Wellington Bangers Slight abrasion, at back of head. Severely, in right groin. Severely, through face. Severely, through abdomen. Severely, through left leg. Slightly, in right temple. Severely, through left arm. >> ?> 5? 55 Wellington Bifles )> ;5 Samuel Walicbs, it-Surgeon, Batea Field Force. Camp Waihi, 22nd August, 1868. Assista] 13