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A.—No. 8.



No. 60. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to Captain Holt. Sic,— . Wanganui, 20th June, 1868 : 10 p.m. I have the honor to state, for the information of the Government, that the report mentioned by me in my letter of the 19th instant, namely, that a Mawhitiwhiti Native had been shot, has proved correct. The Natives of Mawhitiwhiti, although warned by the tribe who murdered Cahill that if they did not join them they would receive the same fate as the Pakeha, sent one of their number to Te Ngutu o-tc-Manu to induce some near relatives living there to leave the Hauhaus. The messenger was to have returned on the evening of the same day ; he had been absent about half an hour when his friends heard a volley fired. After waiting three days for his return, news was brought that he had been shot at Pungarehu by a party in ambush, and hacked to pieces with tomahawks. The information was brought me this evening by a Native from the coast. The Government may rely on the accuracy of this statement ; I was certain of it yesterday, but did not like to write positively until I was informed of his death. I shall not now proceed to Parawanui on Monday as I had intended, but shall send Lieutenant Gudgeon, whom I have placed on pay from to-day, to accompany Mete Kingi, M.H.8., and Captain Kepa to the above-mentioned village, and shall direct him to report to the Government anything of importance from that place. I have, &c, The Under Secretary, Thos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, Colonial Defence, Wellington. Commanding Patea District.

No. 61. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to Captain Holt. Sic, — Wanganui, 21st June, 1868 : 6 p.m. I have the honor to report that I have just been informed that, in addition to the Maori mentioned by me, as having been shot at the Pungarehu, in my letter of the 20th instant, two others have been shot; one of them, Te Hira, late an ensign in the Native Contingent, was killed near Waingongoro on his return from tho Kattao (see Map of tho Patea District); tho other, a man of the Pakakohe tribe, supposed to be a messenger of Mr. Booth's, was shot near Manawapou. My informants are Captain Kepa, Te Kiritahanga, and Wiremu to Fewa. Should this report be correct, and the p.s. " Sturt " not arrive to-morrow, and should I not receive a communication from Patea (I have received no official, semi-official, or private letter since my arrival), I intend enlisting from thirty to forty men on the same terms as those already enlisted in Wellington, which consisted, at the time I left, of about fifty men. I have, &c, Tnos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, The Under Secretary Colonial Defence, Wellington. Commanding Patea District.

No. 62. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Stevens to Colonel McDonnell. (No. 327-2.) Colonial Defence Office, Sic,— Wellington, 27th June, 1868. I am directed by the Hon. Mr. Bichmond (acting for the Defence Minister) to acknowledge receipt of your letters, as per margin, reporting the murder of three friendly Natives, one of them being To Hira, late ensign in the Native Contingent. I have, <fee., Lieut.-Colonel McDonnell, Feas. Stevens Commanding Colonial Forces, Batea. (For the Under Secretary).

June 20, 1868 10 p.m. June 21,1868 6 p.m.

No. 63. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to Captain Holt. (No. 322-2.) Sic,— Patea, 30th June, 1868. With reference to your letter, number and elate as per margin, I have the honor to state, for tho information of tho Hon. the Minister for Colonial Defence, that the reported murder of Te Hira has turned out to bo incorrect: he is at present at Waihi. I have, &c, Captain Holt, Under Secretary, Thos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, Wellington. Commanding Patea District.

327-2 June 27,1868.

No. 64. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to the Hon. Colonel Haultain. (No. 361-1.) Sis,— Patea, 15th July, 1868. I have the honor to forward, for the information of the Government, enclosed report from Inspector Yon Tempsky relative to the late engagement at Turu Turu Mokai, and in doing so am,