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A.—No. 8


No. 54. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to the Hon. Colonel Haultain. (No. 343-1.) Sic,— Patea, Ist July, 1868. I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with instructions contained in your letter, number and date as per margin, I at once wrote to the Officer Commanding Local Forces at New Plymouth (copy enclosed),, forwarding extract from your letter relative to Captain Newland's detachment, and also requesting him to embark Sub-Inspector Newland's detachment on board the p.s. "Sturt" for this place with as little delay as possible, and requesting him to make arrangements for the safe keeping of the horses of tho mounted portion of the detachment. As these men would have to be sent round by tho " Sturt," I also wrote to Captain Newland, ordering him to embark. I also enclose copy of a letter handed to me this morning by Sub-Inspector Newland, who arrived by the steamer, from which I learn that tho mounted portion of the detachment have been ordered to inarch overland. This I consider, in the present state of affairs, not only hazardous but very inconvenient, as it has partly upset a plan of operations I had fixed upon; and if Mr. Parris, as lam led to believe, is to interfere with operations in my district, and to countermand written orders to my officers, thereby spoiling my plan of operations, as ho has done, I must immediately resign my command. I am surprised that Captain Holt should have taken upon himself to issue the order, copy of which I enclose. I must submit to you that the work in which I am engaged is no light one ; it is attended with much responsibility, labour, and anxiety of mind to me ; and if I feel that I have not the thorough and hearty support of the Government in enabling me to carry out the plans I have conceived, or that I am to be subject to tho interference of other servants of the Government in those disturbed districts, it must prove a source of much embarrassment to me. I therefore beg respectfully to intimate to you that, until I hear that Mr. Parris and others have been directed to cease their unnecessary interference with my duties, and in my command, operations are suspended. It is hardly necessary for mo to state that I have received from Mr. Booth most cordial assistance, that I could scarcely do without, in everything that has transpired lately in this district. I have, &c, Tnos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, The Hon. the Defence Minister, Wellington. Commanding Patea District.

309-2. June 16, 1868.

Enclosure 1 in No. 54. Copy of a Letter from Colonel McDonnell to the Offices Commanding Militia, &c, New Plymouth. (No. 324-1.) Sic,— Patea, Ist July, 1868. I have the honor to forward enclosed extract from instructions received, bearing date Defence Office, 16th June, 1868, No. 309-2 —and to request that you will be good enough to embark Sub-Inspector Newland's detachment on board the p.s. "Sturt" for this place with as little delay as possible. As tho " Sturt" will not bo able to bring the horses belonging to the mounted men of the detachment, it will be necessary that some arrangement should be made for these horses being placed in a secure paddock, and properly taken care of until other arrangements can be made; the men, however, on their arrival in this district, will be required to perform mounted duty, if necessary, when horses will be provided. I have, &c, Thos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, The Officer Commanding Militia, &c, Commanding Patea District. New Plymouth.

Enclosure 2 in No. 54. Copy of a Letter from Major Stapp to Sub-Inspector Newland. Sic,— Militia Office, 29th June, 1868. Under instructions from Captain Holt, Under Secretary for Colonial Defence, I have the honor to state that the mounted portion of the detachment, No. 3 Division Armed Constabulary, under your command, are to proceed overland to-morrow morning, at 6 o'clock; if you are not able, through ill-health, to proceed with them, they are to go in charge of Sergeant Bennett, and you are to embark in the " Sturt" this day. I have, &c, C Stapp, Brevet Major, Sub-Inspector Newland, Commanding Militia and Volunteers. Commanding Detachment, A.C, New Plymouth.

Enclosure 3 in No. 54. (No. 10.) Patea, 24th June, 1868. Enclosed extract from instructions for Lieut.-Colonel McDonnell is forwarded for the information of Sub-Inspector Newland, who will bo good enough to embark with his detachment on board the p.s. " Sturt," with as little delay as possible, en route for Patea. Thos. McDonnell, Lieut.-Colonel, Commanding Patea District. 9