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A.—No. 8.


[teanslation.] O feiend, Me. Bichmond, — Patea, 10th June, 1868. Salutations. Listen to us. We, the men of the Pakakohi tribe, who live in the neighbourhood of Patea, are in great trouble about the European who has been murdered at Ketemarae. Do not think [or bo afraid] that we have had anything to do with that murder. Listen to the thoughts of us, the chiefs of the Pakakohi tribe : We are now one with the Europeans. We wish that the Europeans living near our people may not be dark. It is our desire to take charge of the Europeans, men, women, and children. If anything happens to the Pakehas, we will suffer with them. If we are to suffer, it shall be in a good cause. Our protection of Europeans commences at Wairoa (township), from thence to Whenuakura, to Patea, to Oroua, Kakaramea (township) to Manutahi, and to Mokoia. We may also say that the Ngarauru tribe at Waitotara will protect Europeans, as they have become English themselves. Peace, may peace rest with you. This is all. Erom Taueua, of Patea, Whaeematangt, of Patea, Te One Kuea, of Patea, Paeaone, of Manutahi, Bangihaeata, of Mokoia, And from all the men, women, and children of the Pakakohi tribe.

Enclosure 2 in No. 12. Kia Putu,— Waihi, Hune 11, 1868. E hoa tena koe kia rongo mai koe ko matou nga tangata o te Kauwae c noho pouri ana mo nga Pakeha kua, kohurutia nei c nga tangata oTe Ngutu-o-te-mau. Kei mea koe he tikanga na matou kei roto i ena tikanga kohuru kaore engari ko matou kei te piri tonu matoa ki a koe kite Pakeha i enei ra ko ta matou he pai ai ko te tiaki i nga wahine Pakeha i nga tamariki Pakeha ka timata ta matou tiakanga Pakeha i Waingongoro puta noa ki oeo mo nga Pakeha c haere ite Bori. Heoi ano. Na Wieemu Manaia, Beihana Te Whaeema, Te Hiea Paeeangi, Paoea Bangiawe, Buka, Otira na matou katoa pata noa ki ana wahine atu ki ona tamariki atu.«

[teanslation.] To Me. Booth— Waihi, 11th June, 1868. O Eriend ! Salutations. Listen to us :We the men of Kauae are sitting in darkness, because of the murders which have been committed by the men of To Ngutu-o-te-Manu. Do not suppose that we have anything to do with those murders. We are one with you the Pakeha, and will stick to you during these days. We aro ready to give protection, to European women and children over the country, commencing at Waingongoro, and ending at Oeo. We will protect travellers also going along the road. This is all. Erom Wieemu Manaia, Reihana Whaeema, Te Hiea Paeeangi, Paoea Bangiawe, BuiCA. And from all the rest, even to the women and children.

Enclosure 4 in No. 12. Kia Putu Kai Whakawa, — Patea, Hune 10, 1868. E hoa mau o tuku atu ta matou korero kia te Kawana. E koro c te Kawana tena koe kia rongo mai koe ko matou nga tangata o te iwi Pakakohi c noho nei ki nga tahataha o Patea c noho pouri ana mo te Pakeha i kohurutia nei ki Ketemarae kei mahara koe ko matou c tapoko atu ana ki roto ki tena mahi kohuru. Kia rongo mai koe ki ta matou whakaaro ta te iwi Pakakohi ko matou rite tahi matou kite iwi Pakeha na, c mea ana matou kia kaua nga Pakeha o to matou taha c pouri, ko matou hold he kai tiaki mo nga wahine Pakeha mo nga tamariki Pakeha ka pa he he ki nga Pakeha o to matou taha, na, ko matou tahi kite mate kia mate matou me mate i runga i te pai. Timata to matou tiakanga Pakeha i Hoiawe (Wairoa) puta noa ki Whenuakura, ki Patea, ki Oroua, ki Manutahi ki Mokoia. Otira ko to tiaki Pakeha hoki nga tangata ote iwi Ngarauru kua Pakehatia hoki taua iwi. Pai Marire, kia tau te rangi marie ki runga ki a koe. Hooi ano. Na Taueua, o Patea, Whakematanoi, o Patea, Te One Kuea, o Patea, Te Paeaone, o Manutahi, Bangihaeata, o Mokoia. Otira na matou katoa na te iwi Bakakohi putu noa ki ona wahine ki ona tamariki atu. [teanslation.] To Me. Booth, R.M.,— Patea, lOtli Juno, 1868. Eriend, send this our letter to the Governor. O friend the Governor ! Salutations. Listen to us.