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A.—No. 7.


No. 2. Copy of a Letter from Mr. A. Mackay to His Honor J. Macandrew. g IR _. Dunedin, 29th May, 18G8. I have the honor to inform you that it having been proved to the General Government that certain stipulations contained in Kemp's deed of purchase, or the Ngaitahu Deed, to the effect that the Governor should set apart other lands for the Native vendors, upon the land being surveyed by the surveyors, had never been satisfactorily fulfilled, the matter was referred to the Native Lands Court to determine and finally conclude the agreement. By an Order of Reference under the hand of the Honorable John Hall, a Member of the Executive Council of New Zealand, the Court therefore, by the powers conferred on it by the eighty-third section of " The Native Lands Act, 1865," satisfactory evidence of the nonfulfilment of these stipulations having been adduced before it during its recent sitting here, has awarded, by orders under the hand of the Senior Judge, bearing date the 28th May, to such Natives who are entitled to participate in any benefits accruing under the reservations contained in the aforesaid deed, land to the extent of two thousand and ninety-four acres out of the Crown Lands of this Province, a large proportion of which is included within the boundaries of the original purchase, in final extinguishment of all claims or demands contained in or created by the said deed. The following are the several localities in which the land has been selected: —■ One thousand acres at the mouth of the Tautuku River, on the western bank. One hundred acres inland, on the shores of Lake Hawea, as a general Fishery Reserve for the whole of the Natives resident South of Waitaki, and extending to and including Purakaunui. Four hundred and ninety acres at the mouth of the River Waitaki, including a fishery easement. Four hundred and ninety-four acres in North Harbour and Blueskin District, and sundry small pieces in various localities as fishery easements, making in all a total area as above quoted. The Commissioner of Crown Lands has been furnished with a schedule containing a description of the lands selected, with a request that he will be pleased to take the necessary steps to withhold the same from sale. In conclusion, I would beg to express a hope that your Honor will bo pleased, under the exigency of the case, to concur in the aforesaid arrangement. I have, &c, Alexander Mackay, His Honor the Superintendent, Dunedin. Crown Agent. No. 3. Copy of a Letter from Mr. A. Mackay to Commissioner oe Crown Lands, Dunedin. gIE l Dunedin, 29th May, 1868. I have the honor to enclose herewith for your information a Schedule of the lands awarded by the Native Lands Court at its recent sitting at Dunedin, to sundry Natives, in final extinguishment of all claims or demands contained in or created by a certain deed of purchase of the 12th day of June, 1848, and referred to the Court by an Order of Reference under the hand of the Honorable John Hall, a Member of the Executive Council of New Zealand; and to request that you will be pleased to take the necessary steps to withhold the land, included in the aforesaid Schedule, from sale. Enclosed, I beg to hand you copies of the Orders of the Court respecting the said lands. I have, &c, W. 11. Cutten, Esq., Alexander Mackay, Commissioner Crown Lands, Dunedin. Crown Agent, Enclosure in No. 3. Schedule op Lands awarded by the Native Lands Court sitting at Dunedin, on the 13th day of May, 1868, and following days, in final extinguishment of all claims, demands, and engagements contained in or created by a certain Deed of Purchase of the twelfth day of June, 1848, commonly known as Kemp's Deed, entered into and between the chief's and people of the Ngaitahu tribe of Aboriginal Natives of New Zealand, and officers duly authorized to enter into the same on behalf of Her Majesty, namely: — , . ; . . Sections Nos. 13 and 14 of Block VIII., in the Fapakaio District (near the Waitaki), containing 355 acres 2 roods 33 perches, more or less. Also, section No. 12 of Block VIII., in the same district, as a fishery easement, containing 133 acres 3 roods 18 perches, more or less. Also, ten acres, part of Section No. 6. Block IV., Waikouaiti District, as a fishery casement. _ Also! two acres three roods twenty perches, on the Matainaka Lagoon, in the "Waikouaiti District, as a fishery easement. Also sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 1 of 4, Block V., North Harbour and Blueskin District, containing 305 acres 0 rood 13 perches, more or less. Also reserve No. 49 of Block IV., 2vorth Harbour and Blueskin District, containing 101 acres 2 roods 36 perches, more or less. _ _ Also, section No. 2 of 3 of Block IV., same district, containing 31 acres 1 rood 10 perches, more or less. Also, section No. 4 of Block IV., same district, containing 26 acres 1 rood _3 perches, more or less. Also, one thousand acres situated in the Tautuku District, Province of Otago, at the moutn of the River Tautuku. Memo.—The land comprised in this award is in satisfaction of all demands under Kemp's Deed, and is set apart for those Natives who signed the deed, but who never received any share of the land reserved for Native purposes within the boundaries of that purchase. Also, one hundred acres at Lake Hawea as a fishery easement. This is a special reserve, made for the benefit of the whole of the Natives resident South of the Waitaki, and extending to and including Purakaunui, Alexander Mackay, 29th May, 1868. Cr™n ASent-