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A.—No. 3

Wellington, 12th August, 1868. Peesent: Mr. J. Cargill. Mr. G. Graham. Mr. J. Cracroft Wilson, C.B, in the Chair. The depositions of Rangiamohia and Arapata were taken down, Mr. Puckey officiating as Interpreter, and it was agreed that the usual certificate be given to the witnesses.

Wellington, 14th August, 1868. Peesent : Mr. J. Cargill. | Mr. G. Graham. Mr. J. Cracroft Wilson, C.B, in the Chair. Mr. G. Graham read a Draft of a Report, to which the other two Commissioners did not agree. The Chairman then read a draft of certain Resolutions, and they were agreed to by the Chairman and Mr. Commissioner Cargill. Mr. Commissioner Graham objected to Nos. 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, and 12 of the Resolutions, and declared that he could not sign the Report, and would enter a protest. It was agreed by the majority of the Commission that the Resolutions read by the Chairman should be submitted to His Excellency, with the printed evidence, as early as possible.