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A.—No. 1


No. 1. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 102.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke, — Bth October, 1867. The 18th Regiment still remaining in this Colony, and as it now appears probable that Regiment may be left here for some time, I thought it desirable to consult my Responsible Advisers, as to the places at which in their opinion it could be most conveniently located for the service of the Colony, without any violation of the instructions issued by Her Majesty's Government regarding the manner in which the Regiment remaining in New Zealand is to be quartered. 2. My Responsible Advisers in a Memorandum, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, gave it as their opinion that the most desirable spots for the 18th Regiment to occupy, without a violation of your Grace's instructions, are Taranaki, Auckland, and Napier. 3. I have therefore issued orders that the head quarters and six companies of the 18th should be quartered at Auckland, two companies at Taranaki, and two companies at Napier. 4. I think I have in directing this distribution of the Regiment done my best to give effect to your Grace's instructions, and the wishes of my Responsible Advisers. I have, &c, His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos. G. GREY.

Enclosure in No. 1. Memohandiim by Mr. Stafford. Wellington, 7tli October, 1867. His Excellency the Governor having, at'an Executive Council held this day, requested Ministersto advise at what places the 18th Regiment, which the Imperial Government desires should remain in New Zealand, should be stationed, Ministers are of opinion, having regard to the instructions from the Secretary of State on the subject, that the most desirable posts to be occupied are Taranaki, Auckland, and [Napier. Ministers would at the same time observe that they have not asked, and do not ask, that the 18th Begiment should be retained, nor can they make themselves responsible, on behalf of the Colony, for any payment on account of that Eegiment. Eor His Excellency the Governor. E. "W. Stajtoed.

No. 2. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., to His Grace the Duke of Buckingham. (No. 107.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord Duke,— 11th October, 1867. Adverting to my Despatch No. 106, of the Bth October last, transmitting to your Grace a Petition to Her Majesty from John Topi Patuki, chief of the Ngaitahu and Ngatimamoe, I have now the honor at the request of my Responsible Advisers to enclose the following additional papers connected with that Petition. 1. A Memorandum from the Hon. J. C. Kichmond, Minister for Native Affairs. 2. Copy of a report of a Select Committee of the House of Representatives, dated 23rd August, 1867, on a Petition from John Topi Patuki.