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A.—No. !___.

Company's steamers on the Ceylon and Australian line, to receive, take charge of, and deliver all telegrams which may be put on board conformably with the terms specified by the Postmaster-General. Neither the Company nor their Pursers will require any remuneration for this service. The Government and community of South Australia will, of course, need to make their own arrangements for the transfer of their telegrams to and from the mail steamers at King George's Sound. I have, &c, Sir F. Eogers, Bart., &c. C. ~W. Howell, Secretary.

Sub-Enclosure in No. 48. Mr. Tillet to Mr. Howell. Sie — General Post Office, 18th May, 1868. Having submitted to the Postmaster-General your letter of the 12th instant, and its enclosures, I am directed to request that you will state to the Directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Company, that in his Grace's opinion all telegrams —that is, messages intended to be sent from Galle by the Electric Telegraph, put on board their packets in the Australian ports otherwise than in the mails, should be required to be sent open, so that the Parsers, in whose charge it is proposed that they should be placed, may see that they are really telegrams as they profess to be. Telegrams in the opposite direction—that is, messages that have been sent as far as Galle by the Electric Telegraph, and are intended to be forwarded to Australia otherwise than in the mails, should of course, be received by the Pursers only from the officers of the Telegraph Company; and if this be done, and if they are in covers showing that they are telegrams, the illegal transmission of letters may, it would seem, be prevented. I am, &c, C. "W". Howell, Esq., Secretary, Peninsular and Oriental J. Tilley. Steam Navigation Company (Limited).

No. 49. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (No. 62.) Sik, — Downing Street, 2nd June, 1868. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch of the 27th March, reporting your arrival at Auckland, and the proceedings which took place on the occasion. I beg leave to congratulate you on the favourable reception which you met with from all classes of the community. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G.

No. 50. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. (Separate.) Sir, — Downing Street, 12th June, 1868. With reference to your Despatch No. 3, of the 7th of February last, enclosing a Memorandum by your Responsible Advisers, raising objections to certain clauses in the Royal Instructions which accompanied the Queen's Commission appointing you Governor of New Zealand, I have the honor to transmit to you Additional Instructions, under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, for dispensing with the attendance before the Executive Council of the Judge who may have presided at the trial of any offender condemned to death. I have, &c., BUCKINGHAM AND CIIANDOS. Governor Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G.

May 30th, 1868.

Enclosure in No. 50. Additional Instbuctiofs to Our trusty and well-beloved Sir Geoege Febgttscot Bowek, Knight Grand Cross of Our most distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Our Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Colony of New Zealand, or, in his absence, to Our Lieutenant-Governor or the Officer administering the Government of Our Colony for the time being. Given at Our Court, at Balmoral, this thirtieth day of May, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, in the thirty-first year of Our reign. "Wheeeas We did, by Our Instructions of the fourteenth day of November, One thousand eight hundred