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A.—No. la.

It is very unfortunate that a transaction involving, to a certain extent, a compulsory purchase of land for the Province of Wellington should, by a special enactment (which ought to have been specifically referred to in the papers sent home), have been withdrawn from the cognizance of the appropriate Courts of Justice. Ido not, however, feel competent, or called upon, to express an opinion on the grounds of equity or policy on which this is justified. I request that you will inform the petitioners that their Petitions have been laid before the Queen; that the case is one which, under the existing constitution of New Zealand, must be dealt with by the Governor and Legislature of the Colony; but that Her Majesty has been assured by the Colonial Government that they will endeavour to make a just and satisfactory settlement of the question, and that Her Majesty is confident that you will exert all your influence to effect this object. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

No. 11. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B. (No. 71.) Sir, — Downing Street, 15th November, 1867. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 86, of 30th August, written in answer to mine of the 18th June, No. 37, in which, your term of office being about to expire, I stated that I should, by next mail, be able to inform you of the appointment of your successor in the Government of New Zealand, and of the time at which he might be expected to arrive in the Colony. You are correct in pointing out that it was the farther opinion of your Responsible Advisers and not of yourself which your Despatch No. 30 with its enclosures led me to expect. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

No. 12. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B. (No. 72.) Sir, — Downing Street, 23rd November, 1867. With reference to the last paragraph of my Despatch No. 51, of the 22nd August, I have the honor to acquaint you that the Queen's Commission appointing Sir George Bowen, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of New Zealand, on the completion of your term of Government, was transmitted to him in Queensland by the mail leaving England on the 20th of this month. I am not aware how soon Sir G. Bowen will be able to leave Queensland; he may probably do so at an early date, as he had been prepared to expect the Commission this mail. I have thought, therefore, that it might be convenient to you to be made aware that when you receive this Despatch he will be in a position to assume the Government as soon as he can conveniently arrive in the Colony. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

No. 13. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor /xr r-c, \ Sir George Grey, K.C.B. (JNo. 70.) Sib, — Downing Street, 22nd November, 1867. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No. 80, of Bth