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No. 1. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B. (No. 38.) Sib, — Downing Street, 29th June, 1867. With reference to your Despatch No. 34, of the sth of April, and to my reply of the 6th instant, I have the honor to transmit to you the enclosed copy of a communication addressed to Lord Stanley by Her Majesty's Minister at Stuttgart, supplying the information which he was instructed by His Lordship to furnish with respect to Courts of Arbitration in Wurtemburg. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

Enclosure in No. 1. J. Gr. E. GtOedos", Esq., to Lord Stanley. (No. 57.) Mx Loed, — Stuttgart, 11th Juno, 1867. 1 have had the honor to receive your Lordship's circular No. 18, of the 31st ultimo, instructing me to procure aud transmit to your Lordship information respecting " Courts of Arbitration," should such exist in this country. In reply to the above I beg to state that no such Courts as referred to exist now in Wurtcmburg. Arbitration Courts for the decision of commercial disputes did exist here, and had been in operation for about ten years, but these were abolished two or three years ago, upon the introduction of the new code of procedure in commercial cases. I have written to Mr. Baillio to procure and transmit similar information with regard to the ■existence of such Courts in the Grand l)uchy of Baden. I have, &c, Lord Stanley, &c. J. 6. li. Gokdon".

No. 2. Copy of a DESPATCH from His Grace the Duke of Buckingham to Governor Sir George Gkey, K.C.B. (No. 51.) Sir, — Downing Street, 22nd August, 1867. You were informed by my Despatch No. 37, of the 18th of June, that you would shortly be relieved from your duties as Governor of New Zealand, and that you would be apprized of the time at which your successor might be expected to arrive in the Colony. I have now to acquaint you that I have submitted to the Queen the name of Sir G. Bowen, the present Governor of Queensland, as your successor in the Government of New Zealand, and that Her Majesty has been pleased to approve the appointment. I regret that I am unable at present to inform you definitively of the time at which Sir G. Bowen may be expected to arrive in the Colony, but I have desired him to give you as long a notice as is practicable, of the probable time of his arrival. I have, &c, BUCKINGHAM AND CHANtOS. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.