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D.—No. 21,

D.—No. 33. Copy of a Letter from Captain Holt to Lieut.-Colonel Gorton. (No. 921-2.) Colonial Defence Office, Sir,— Wellington, 3rd January, 1866. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, of the number and date quoted in he margin, and am directed to convey to you the Hon. Colonel Russell's approval of the steps you report having taken with regard to the issue of arms, ammunition, &c, to the Kupapas under Major McDonnell. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gorton, J. Holt, Commanding Militia District, Wanganui. Under Secretary.

No. 249, Dec. 29, 1865.

I).—No. 34. Copy of a Letter from Lieut.-Colonel Gorton to Captain Holt. (No. 89.) Militia and Volunteer Orderly-room, Sir, — Wanganui, 14th February, 1866. I have the honor to report for the information of the Hon. the Defence Minister, that seventyfour out of the eighty-five rifles issued to Major McDonnell for the Kupapas in December last, have been returned into store, and I trust the remainder will be'returned in the course of a day or two. I have, &c, Captain Holt, Under Secretary, Edward Gorton, Lieut.-Colonel, Colonel. Defence Office, Wellington. Commanding Militia District.

D.—No. 3,5. Copy of a Letter from Captain Holt to Lieut.-Colonel Gorton. (No. 1098-2.) Colonel Defence Office, Sir,— Wellington, 21st February, 1806. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the number and date quoted in the margin, and to express the satisfaction of the Hon. Colonel Russell (acting for the Hon. the Defence Minister) at the number of arms recovered from the Kupapas. I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gorton, J. Holt, Commanding Militia District, Wanganui. Undersecretary.

No. 89, Feb. 2, 1868.

A.—No. 36. Extract from Letter written by direction of Defence Minister to Lieut.-Colonel Gorton, as to establishing a post at Pipiriki garrisoned by Native Militia, on the withdrawal of the Military from the different posts on the Wanganui River. (No. 1088-2.) Colonial Defence Office, Sir, — Wellington, 15th February, 1866. * * #- # # =* AH the rest of the Natives who have been on service with the Major-General (that is, the Kupapas and friendly Natives, &c.,) must now give in the arms and ammunition, which have been issued to them by the Government. * -* * * .» * I have, &c, Lieut.-Colonel Gorton, J. Holt, Commanding Colonial Forces, Wanganui. Under Secretary.

D.—No. 37. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Booth to the Native Secretary. Resident Magistrate's Office, Sir, — Pipiriki, 17th March, 1806. I have tho honor to report that I have been requested by Lieut.-Colonial Gorton to collect all the arms and ammunition which have been issued to the friendly Natives in this district. I have also the honor to forward the translations of a letter from the Wanganui chiefs respecting this matter. I have, &c, The Hon. the Native Secretary, Wellington. James Booth, R.M.

D. —Enclosure in No. 37. [Translation.] Friend Mr. Booth,- Koriniti, 13th March, 1866. Tour letter has come to us, demanding, in the name of the Government, that the guns and powder be given up. We agree to return to the Government the powder, the guns, and the caps ; but friend Mr. Booth, groat is our sorrow on account of this order. Tho Pakehas are all withdrawn from our river, and almost before they are gone we are requested to give up the Government arms and