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B.—No. 21



I assumed that Mr. Mackay would have reported the circumstances of the case in due course, or I should myself have done so. I have, &c., The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Daniel Pollen. Wellington.

A.—Enclosure in No. 16. Colonial Government, New Zealand. Colonial Store Department, 21st August, 1867.

REQUISITION for the under-mentioned WARLIKE STORES.

Recommended. (Signed) James Mackay, junr. Approved, 21st day of August, 1867. (Signed) Daniel Pollen, Agent, General Government.

A.—Enclosure 2 in No. 16. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Braitiiwaite to Mr. Searancke. Civil Commissioner's Office, Sir,— Auckland, 29th August, 1867. I have the honor, in the absence of Mr. Mackay, to inform you that the warlike stores, as per margin,* have been forwarded to your address this day, and to request that you will be so good as to» take charge of them upon delivery until you receive instructions as to their distribution. I have, &c, The Resident Magistrate, Ngaruawahia. Edw. Braitiiwaite, Chief Clerk.

A.—No. 17. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gisborne to Dr. Pollen. (No. 1191.) Colonial Secretary's Office, Sir,— Wellington, 24th October, 1867. In reply to your letter No. 1211, of the 18th ultimo, relative to the issue of seventy stand of arms, and of ammunition, from the Militia Store at Auckland, for the use of the Ngatihaua Natives, I am directed by Mr. Stafford to request you to be good enough to take the necessary steps for the return of the arms and ammunition in question into store at Auckland. Natives who fight against us are able by some means to supply themselves with arms, and it appears incredible that Natives friendly to us should never have any arms of their own. The demand of the latter for arms is becoming so general that it must be resisted, except in those cases where there has been a previous surrender of arms, or when the Government enrol Natives for active service. I have, &c, The Government Agent, Auckland. W. Gisborne, Under Secretary.

A.—No. 18. Copy of a Letter from Dr. Pollen to Mr. Gisborne. (No. 1294.) Office of the Agent of the General Government, Sir, — Auckland, 12th November, 1867. I have the honor to inform you in reply to your letter No. 1191, of date 24th October ultimo,, that Mr. Searancke has been directed to return to the Militia Store at Auckland, without delay, the arms and ammunition placed in his charge for the use of the Ngatihaua Natives in case of emergency. I have, &c, W. Gisborne, Esq., Under Secretary, Wellington. Daniel Pollen. * Kitles, 40 ; accoutrements, 40 ; ammunition, 2,400; caps, 3,000.

Articles or otherwise. Total number or quantity required. For what purpose. Rifles Sets of accoutrements Ammunition (rounds) 40 40 2,400 3,000 Protection of loyal Natives of the Tribe Ngatihaua, threatened by Hauhaus. Caps