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D.—No. 21

RETURN of ARMS, ACCOUTREMENTS, and AMMUNITION issued to FRIENDLY NATIVES during the Years 1865, 1866, 1867, and 1868.


Date. Tribe, Ilapu, or Indmdual to whom issued. CD I p o o CM o fl fl Ph <p fl ■a a i> O O .s o o O fl fl fl o fl fl fl "fl AM o o o , •5 o EH Remarks. o — 1865. Jan. 28 Taeaxaki — Waitara and Waihi Natives 10 12 25' Issued by Mr. Parris, Civil Commissioner, to Ihaia and Poliiama for expedition against murderers of Henare Kote, wife, and child. Vide Correspondence — Taranaki, A. Ditto ditto ditto ditto. Issued by Mr. Parris, C.C. Vide Correspondence —Taranaki, A. Ditto ditto ditto ditto. Ditto ditto ditto ditto. Issued by Mr. Parris, CO, for expedition to meet forces from Wanganui. Vidi Correspondence —Taranaki, A. Issued by Mr. Parris, CO, to occupy post at Warea. Vide Correspondence— Taranaki, A. Issued by Lieut.-Colonel Lepper to Captain G-ood. Twenty rifles returned ink store, 14th August, 1868. Issued to Natives attached to Captain Corbett's Company of Eangers. Peb. 13 Mar. 8 Mar. 22 Mar. 28 May 27 33 33 Wailii Natives 1 ... 1 6 2 10 2 '"2 Two Natives 'io 2 Nov. 2 Ngamalmnga 20 20 Urenui Native Military Settlers under Captain Good Friendly Natives under Captain Corbett 41 4 47 1 1 9 Bat op Plenty — Arawas Issued by Mr. Smith, C.C. Ditto Mr. Nesbitt, P.M. Vide Correspondence —Bay of Plenty, A. and B. Ditto Mr. Mair, P.M. Ditto ditto. Ditto Mr. Smith, C.C. Ditto Mr. Mair, E M. Mar. 15 June — June 30 July 13 Aug. 7 Aug. 17 ... "13 25 74 ... 87 25 87 53 10 25 50 ... 53| 10 "25 "50 -so ... ... June 3 33 33 33 33 Auckland — Taniwlia Kaitahi Honetana te Iriranga Patene Puliata Haora Tipa Rawiri Te Ua Te Moananui Hori te Whetufei ... Hanaura Taipari William Nay lor Pita Tuakaka Thames Natives i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 30 30 30 130 30 30 50 50 50 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ■3 - Issued by Mr. Mackay, C.C. 33 June 13 33 33 Sept.' 21 Nov. 15 ... J Issued by Lieut.-Colonel Grorton. WAXaANUI — Native Contingent ... 54,230 17 82 110 110|