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to any delegate who might be appointed, especially a delegate who knows nothing whatever about the Gold Fields, and who is content to re-delegate all his powers to political agents. I have, &c, James Macandbew, To His Honor the Superintendent, "Wellington. Superintendent.

No. 34 Copy of a Letter from the Hon. E. W. Stafford to the Superintendent, Otago. (No. 280.) Sib,— Colonial Secretary's Office, "Wellington, 12th June, 18G7. The Government intends to lay before the General Assembly, next Session, copies of the correspondence which has taken place relative to your removal in 1861, from the office of Superintendent of the Province of Otago, and to the refusal of a delegation to you in your present office of the powers of the Governor under "The Gold Melds Act, 1866," and as a letter which you addressed to the Governor or the Colonial Secretary in or about December, 1860, on the former subject, was lost in the " White Swan," I have the honor to request you to be good enough to forward a copy of that letter to this office by the earliest opportunity. If there are any other unpublished letters addressed by your Honor to the Government on the same subject, I shall feel obliged by copies of them being furnished to this office. I have, &c, To His Honor the Superintendent, Otago. E. "W. Stafford.