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A.—No. la.



Ailieponc Kailiau to Sir G. Grey, August 14, 1866. I

No. 2. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.8., to the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. (No. 73.) Government House, Wellington, Sir,— 24th July, 1866. I have the honor to report, by the mail which will be sent this day via Panama, that the state of affairs in New Zealand still continues rapidly to improve. The General Assembly is sitting, and William Thompson, accompanied by three other Chiefs, reached this place on the 22nd instant, on board H.M. s. "Esk," Captain Luce. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. G. GREY.

No. 3. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.8., to the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. (No. 89.) Government House, Wellington, Sir,— Bth September, 1866. I have the honor to report that affairs in New Zealand continue to assume an aspect which becomes more satisfactory from day to day. 2. In one small district of New Zealand a mere local disturbance still continues, the persons implicated in Which are not more than from sixty to eighty in number. 3. Prom the so-called Maori King I received, a few days since, the message contained in the letter a copy of which is enclosed, from which you will find that himself and his adherents acquiesce in the arrangements which have been made in regard to confiscated territory, and that the only other two points regarding which they were disturbed, they have left for my decision. 4. They still retain large and ample tracts of fertile territory, and no exertions shall be wanting on my part, or on that of the Local Government, to restore them, without delay, to a position of contentment and comfort. I hope, at the end of this month, when the Session of the General Assembly is ended, to be able to proceed on a visit to the Natives of the interior of this Island. I have, &c, The Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M.P. G. GREY.

Enclosure in No. 3. To the G-ovERiS'OK, — Tahurangatira, Wiuku, 14th August, 1866. O Parent, salutations to you. I have been to Kawhia to carry your word, that Tawhiai, Te Paea, Tamati, and Rewi might hear it; but I did not see either Tamati or Kewi; I only saw Tc Paea and Tawhiai. They mentioned three things to mo. Waikato was the first; Kawhia the second ; the road from Tauranga to Eot'orua and Taupo the third. Waikato is settled. Kawhia and the Tauranga road, these two things are for you to settle and overrule; but the thought is with you. Better let your word come quickly, that Te Paea and Tawhiai may soon hear the answer to their word. Finish. AIHEPESTE KAIHAt.

No. 4. Copy of a DESPATCH from Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.8., to the Eight Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon. (No. 102.) Government House, Wellington, My Lord,— ' 12th October, 1866. I have the honor to transmit for your information a copy of a Memorandum I have received from my Responsible Advisers, enclosing a copy of a vote of thanks unanimously passed by the House of Representatives, on the 6th instant, to Commodore Sir William Wiseman, Bart., C.8., and the officers,