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A.—No. 11.

Queen's assent, the Governor-General signifies, by Speech or Message to each of the Houses of the Parliament or by Proclamation, that it has received the assent of the Queen in Council. An entry of every such Speech, Message, or Proclamation shall bo made in the Journal of each House, and a duplicate thereof duly attested shall be delivered to the proper officer to be kept among the records of Canada. V. —Provincial Constitutions. Executive Power. Appointment of Lieutenant-Governors of Provinces. 58. For each Province there shall be an officer, styled the Lieutenant-Governor, appointed by the Govern or-General in Council by instrument under the Great Seal of Canada. Tenure of office of Lieutenant-Governor. 59. A Lieutenant-Governor shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor-General; but any Lieutenant-Governor appointed after the commencement of the first Session of Parliament of Canada shall not be removable within five years from his appointment, except for cause assigned, which shall be communicated to him in writing within one month after the order for his removal is made, and shall be communicated by Message to the Senate and to the House of Commons within one week thereafter if the Parliament is then sitting, and if not then within one week after the commencement of the next Session of Parliament. Salaries of Lieuteuant-Governors. 60. The salaries of the Lieutenant-Governors shall be fixed and provided by the Parliament of Canada. Oaths, &c., of Lieutenant-Govemors. 61. Every Lieutenant-Governor shall, before assuming the duties of his office, make and subscribe before the Governor-General or some person authorized by him oaths of allegiance and office similar to those taken by the Governor-General. Application of provisions referring to Lieutenant-Governor. 62. The provisions of this Act referring to the Lieutenant-Governor extend'and apply to the Lieutenant-Governor for the time being of each Province, or other the Chief Executive Officer or administrator for the time being carrying on the Government of the Province, by whatever title he is designated. Appointment of Executive Officers for Ontario and Quebec. 63. The Executive Council of Ontario and of Quebec shall be composed of such persons as the Lieutenant-Governor from time to time thinks fit, and in the first instance of the following officers, namely, —the Attorney-General, the Secretary and Registrar of the Province, the Treasurer of the Province, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and the Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works, with, in Quebec, the Speaker of the Legislative Council and the Solicitor-General. Executive Government of Nova Scotia and Now Brunswick. 64. The constitution of the Executive authority in each of the two Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, continue as it exists at the Union until altered under the authority of this Act. Powers to be exercised by Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario or Quebec with advice or alone. 65. All powers, authorities, and functions which under any Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, or of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the Legislature of Upper Canada, Lower Canada, or Canada, were or are before or at the Union vested in or exerciseable by the respective Governors or Lieutenant-Governors of those Provinces, with the advice, or with the advice and consent of the respective Executive Councils thereof or in conjunction with those Councils, or with any number of Members thereof, or by those Governors or LieutenantGovernors, individually, shall, as far as the same are capable of being exercised after the Union in relation to the Government of Ontario and Quebec respectively, be vested in, and shall or may be exercised by the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario and Quebec respectively, with the advice or with the advice and consent of, or in conjunction with the respective Executive Councils or any Members thereof, or by the Lieutenant-Governor individually, as the case requires, subject nevertheless (except with respect to such as exist under Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain, or of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,) to be abolished or altered by the respective Legislatures of Ontario and Quebec. Application of provisions referring to Lieutenant-Governor in Council. 66. The provisions of this Act referring to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall be construed as referring to the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council thereof. Administration in absence, &c, of Lieutenant-Governor. 67. The Governor-General in Council may from time to time appoint an administrator to execute the office and functions of Lieutenant-Governor during his absence, illness, or other inability. Seats of Provincial Governments. 68. Unless and until the Executive Government of any Province otherwise directs with respect to that Province, the seats of Government of the Provinces shall be as follows, namely: —of Ontario, the City of Toronto; of Quebec, the City of Quebec ; of Nova Scotia, the City of Halifax; and of New Brunswick, the City of Frederickton. Legislative Power. 1. —ONTARIO. Legislature for Ontario. 69. There shall be a Legislature for Ontario consisting of the Lieutenant-Governor and of one House, styled the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.