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A.—No. la.

To His Excellency Sir George Gret, K.C.8., Governor and Commander-in-Chief and Vice-Admiral of the Islands and Colony of New Zealand. Mat it please Your Excellenct, — We, the officers and members of the Dunedin Volunteer Fire Brigade, most heartily welcome your Excellency to the City of Dunedin, and sincerely trust that you will derive health and pleasure from your visit, and also gratification at the progress of Otago since your Excellency was formerly here. We believe that the Dunedin Volunteer Fire Brigade is the oldest in the Colony, and that such institutions are held in high estimation by your Excellency. We feel assured that your Excellency, on your tour through this Province, will everywhere encounter true-hearted loyalty to our gracious Queen; and also goodwill and respect towards your Excellency personally, and as Her Majesty's Bepresentative in this Colony. We have the honor to be your Excellency's most obedient servants (Signed on behalf of the Brigade) A. C. Bees, Captain. F. Wain, Lieutenant. B. W. Siiepard, Hook and Ladder Company. Thomas Johnstone, Foreman Hose Company. John Lewis, Foreman Fire Company. W. Woodlands, Secretary. J. Wain, Treasurer. Beplt. Gentlemen, — It gave me much pleasure to receive the congratulations on my arrival here of the oldest Volunteer Fire Brigade in the Colony. You rightly say that I highly esteem such institutions, which call forth every manly quality, and are of the highest advantage to the public. I hope the inhabitants of Otage may long, with generous emulation, strive to be the first in New Zealand to found all kindred institutions which aim at the promotion of the general safety or the public good. The Queen will learn with pleasure of your unabated loyalty, and of your welfare and contentment. I thank you for your kind expression in regard to myself. I can assure you that to witness the progress of this Colony, and the happiness of its inhabitants, is the highest satisfaction I can enjoy. G. Gret.

To His Excellency Sir George Gret, K.C.8., Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Island of New Zealand, and Vice-Admiral of the same and the Dependencies thereof. Mat it please Your Excellenct, — We, the Ministers and Elders of the Presbytery of Dunedin, in Presbytery convened, gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity of your Excellency's visit to Otago, to convey to you, as the Bepresentative of our Most Gracious Sovereign Queen A^ictoria, the assurance of our loyal attachment to her Person, and Throne, and Government. We cordially unite in giving to your Excellency, as the Governor of these Islands and Her Majesty's Bepresentative therein, a hearty welcome to Otago, wishing you the blessing, and guidance, and protection of Almighty God, in the discharge of the duties of your exalted station. Whilst discharging our spiritual duties as Ministers and Elders of a Church of Christ, it is our constant endeavour to advance the interests of the State by the promotion of that righteousness towards God and man which alone truly and permanently exalteth any nation, and to impress upon the consciences of our people a due reverence for and submission to all legally-constituted civil authority. That it may please God, the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, long to spare your Excellency's life in honor and usefulness; that He may prosper your administration of the Government of this Colony for its peace and prosperity; and that at life's close He may call you unto His own everlasting rest and glory, is our devout and earnest prayer. Signed in our name and presence, and by our appointment, at Dunedin, tho 14th day of February, 1867 years, by William Will, Moderator. Beplt. Beverend Gentlemen, — It is most gratifying to me to receive your assurances of loyal attachment to the Berson, and Throne, and Government of our beloved Queen. I shall take care that those assurances reach your Sovereign. I thank you for your constant endeavours for the promotion of that righteousness towards God and man which can alone truly and permanently exalt any nation or people. I trust that this great and important truth will ever be recognized and acted on by the people of New Zealand. In your efforts to promote tho spiritual welfare of the people of this Province, you will always find myself and my Government aiding and assisting you alike from a sense of duty and from inclination. I cannot but be moved by the terms in which you have expressed your wishes for my happiness, and what is better still, for my usefulness to my fellow men. I shall remember those wishes, and I shall always feel grateful for them. G. Gret. To His Excellency Sir George Gret, K.C.8., Governor-in-Chief of New Zealand. Mat it please Your Excellenct, — We, the Operative Tailors of Dunedin, desire to convey our congratulations to your Excellency on your arrival in this city, and express our unabated loyalty and attachment to our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria. 14