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E.—No. 3a.

No. 11. Copy of a Despatch from His Grace the Duke of Buckutghaji to Governor Sir Geoege Grey, K.C.B. (No. 14.) S rE; Downing Street, 23rd April, 1867. I referred to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury a copy of your Despatch No. 6, of the 12th of January, enclosing a further Memorandum by your Responsible Advisers on the subject of the Mail Packet Service, and I have the honor to enclose, for your information, and in order that it may be laid before your Advisers, a copy of the letter which has been received in reply. I have, &c., Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B. Btjckixgham a>-d Chakdos.

Enclosure in No. 11. Cojiy of a Letter from Mr. Stronge to Sir P. Rogers, Bart. Sir,— Treasury Chambers, 20th April, 1867. I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to transmit to you copy of a letter from the Postmaster-General, dated 10th April, and I am to request that you will move the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos to cause the same to be communicated to the Governor of New Zealand for his information with reference to his Despatch of 12th January last, relative to an overcharge made against that Colony on account of the Packet Service, a copy of which Despatch was forwarded to this Board in your letter of 19th ultimo. I have, &c., Sir P. Rogers, Bart. Chables W. Strouge.

Sub-Enclosure to Enclosure in No. 11. Copy of a Letter from His Grace the Duke of Montrose to the Loeds Commissioners of the Treasury. (3265.) My Lords,— General Post Office, 10th April, 18G7. I have the honor to return herewith the papers which your Lordships referred to me on the 22nd ultimo, relative to the charge raised against the Colony of New Zealand in respect of the Australian Mail Packet Service. "With reference to the Memorandum dated the 10th of January, 1867, addressed to the Governor of New Zealand and enclosed in those papers, I have to state that in preparing the account which has been rendered by this office, showing the sums chargeable on the several Australian Colonies and New Zealand for the year 1867, the overcharge in the previous year's statement, so far as concerned the service performed between Sydney and Melbourne, was fully considered, and an allowance made to New Zealand of £2267 12s. on account of that overcharge, as explained in the Report of the Receiver and Accountant-General, of this revenue, dated the 22nd of March, and printed with the Accounts for 1867 (copy enclosed) which has already been forwarded to your Lordships. In the Comparative Statement appended to the Memorandum of the 10th of January above referred to, this overcharge is also stated to be £2267 12s. Id., but in the body of the Memorandum the amount is stated at £2647 10s. lOd. No explanation is given of the difference between the two sums, and I am unable to account for it in any other way than by assuming that the larger sum has been inserted in the Memorandum in error. I have, &c, The Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. Mokteose.

A copy of the aooonnt for 1867 was forwarded to New Zealand by the Mail of 26th ultimo in pursuance of the request contained in the letter from the Treasury addressed to the Colonial Office on the 25th ultimo.