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D.—No. 3.

Whether tho Office be held in Annual Rate Amount of Whether the. Principal conjunction with any and what Period Whether tho Total period of Service By whom appointed of Salary Fees he allowed a house for other Civil or Military Office, daring which Principal enjoy any, under the Date l( retained as or Appointment, the Officer has and what other General Government. OFFICE. NAME. and under payable on l'er(|uisiles his personal residence, or place of profit, on tho bees absent advantage or profit, Appointment. what Instrument. 30th April, Of Office during the or what allowance (if any) for houso rent Establishment of the General Government or any from the Colony during the year not required to bo stated iu tho Years of Actual Service. 1866. year 1865. Provincial Government oi 1885. preceding columns. Date of first or quarters. New Zealand. Appointment. £ s. d. £ s. d. jr. x. Ci'Stoms, continued. Landing Waiter... W. Rogerson Aug., 1865 Commiss. of Customs 200 0 0 None Emigration Officer Not absent None Aug. 1857 8 8 Ditto E. W. Paslcy Jan., 1864 do. 170 0 0 do. None do. do. Jan., 1804 2 3 Tidewaitcr W. Moich 0 Mar., 1863 do. 110 0 0 ,,, do. do. do. do. Mar., 1863 3 1 Ditto A. Blundcll Sept., 1865 do. 100 0 0 do. do. do. do. Sept., 1865 0 7 Looker F.Hill 14 Mar., 1863 do. 130 0 0 do. do. do. do. 23 Nov., 1861 4 5 Collingwood — Officer in Charge D, Johnston, junr. 15 Apl., 1863 do. 60 0 0 25 0 0 do. Postmstr., Registr.of Births, &c., and Licensing Officer do. do. 15 April, 1863 3 0 Havelock — Acct.-Collector (a) W. PiUiet 10 Jan., 1866 do. 0 0 0 25 0 0 do, R.M., Postmaster, Dis. Redo. GoldWrdn.,£50 1 July, 1856 7 0 gistrar, Coroner, Lis. Officer Locker W. Whitehorn ... do. do. 110 0 0 do. None do. None 13 Feb., 1857 9 2 Wairau — Collector... S. L. Muller 8 Mar., 1865 do. 150 0 0 do. Sub.-Treas., R.M., £250j R. Officer, £25; Rec.L.Revenue £50; Reg. Births, &©., £100 do. do. 14 July, 1857 8 10 Clerk J. Barleyman 17 Feb., 1859 do. 130 0 0 do. None do. do. 17 Feb., 1859 7 2 Coast Waiter J. C. MeCready ... 1 Oct., 1863 do. 120 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Oct., 1863 2 6 Picton — Collector... J. Allen 22 Jan., 1863 do. 225 0 0 25 0 0 do. do. do. do. Sept,, 1S62 3 7 Clerk A Burgess... 1 Oct., 1863 do. 130 0 0 do. do. do. do. May, 1801 5 0 Lyttelton — Collector ... W. J. W. Hamilton 1 Sept., 1863 do. 550 0 0 50 0 0 do. Licensing Officer and Sjuli.Trcasurcr ; Registrar of Shipping do. 10 "p 'cent, allowance on salaries in consequence high prices living Dec, 1843 22 4 Clerk R. J. LaNauze ... 1 Dec., 1865 do. 280 0 0 do. None do. do. 4 July, 1861 4 9 Dit o ]•'. Jenner ... do. do. 185 0 0 do. do. do. do. 19 Jan., 1868 3 3 Ditto Grant . ... 1 May, 1865 do. 150 0 0 do. do. do. do. 24 Dec, 1862 3 4 Ditto .1. Carver ... do. do. 145 0 0 do. do. do. do. 23 Apl., 1883 3 0 Landing Surveyor Ditto " Waiter... A. Rose 1 Nov., 1868 do. 310 0 0 do. do. do. do. 17 Sept., 1858 7 7 W. Townsend 1 Dec, 1865 do. 190 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Jan., 1862 4 3 Ditto Ditto ... E. Lysaght 1 May, 1865 do. 165 0 0 do. do. do. do. 3 Oct., 1862 3 6 Ditto Ditto ... J. A. Ronalds 1 Apr., 1864 do. 145 0 0 do. do. do. do. 14 July, 1863 2 9 (a) Mr. PUliet's sal irj is CiOO per annul i for all office held by him under C rcneral Government.