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D.—No. 3.


OFFICE. NAME. Date of Appointment. By whom appointed and under what Instrument. Annual Hate of Salary payable on 30th April, 1866. Amount of Fees retained an Perquisites of Office during the year 1863. Whether the Principal be allowed a house for his personal residence, or what allowance (if any) for house rent or quarters. Whether the Office be held in conjunction with nny and what other Civil or Military Office, or Appointment, orplace or profit, on the Establishment of the General Government or any Provincial Government of New Zealand. Period during which the Officer has been absent from the Colony during the year 1863. Whether the Principal enjoy any, and what otner advantage or profit, not required to be stated in the preceding columns. Total period of Se under the General Governm Date of first Appointment. rvioe eat. Years of Actual Service. Coroners. £ s. d. £ s. d. - Y. M. Auckland ... Philson, T. M. ... 11 Jan., 1858 II. E. the Governor 152 0 9 None Provincial Surgeon Not absent None 11 Jan., 1858 8 4 Gaol & Hospital Stratford, S. J. ... do. 19 19 0 do. None Absent do. do. Goldsbro' C. F. ... do. do. do. Not absent do. Howick Peacocke, P. do. 12 3 0 do. Lieut.-Colonel Militia, not do. do. Papakura ... Mellsopp, C. do. 28 16 0 do. on j ay Resident Magistrate, Papado. do. 7 Aug., 1833 2 9 kura, at £250 Coromandel Preecc, J. do. 4 10 0 do. Registrar of Births, Mardo. do. ... riages and Deaths Cambridge Sam, S. do. ... do. Surgeon, Waikato Militia do. do. Alexandra... Waddington, E. ... do. ... do. do. do. do. ... Mangawai... Moir, W. ... do. ... do. Capt. 1st Waikato Regt., do. do. on pay do. do. Mahurangi Hill, C.H.J. ... do. 8 11 11 do. Reg. of Marriages, Fees ... Kaipara Bell, J do. 8 10 6 do. None do. do. lfokianga ... Jackson, W. L. ... do. ... do. Medical attendant on Nado. do. ... tives, at £100 Mongonui... White, W. B. ... do. do. Res. Magistrate and Judge do. do. Apl., 1845 21 0 Native Land Court, £600 Waimate ... Watling, II. W. ... do. do. Medical attendant on Nado. do. ... tives, at £150 Raglan Harsant W. do. • •• do. Ditto ditto, at £100, and do. do. Feb., 1854 12 2 Customs Officer, at £120 Wangarei... Gibbs, S. 0., Bart. do. G 13 6 do. None do. do. Jan., 1859 Bay of Islands Barstow, R. C. do. 3 3 0 do. Resident Magistrate and do. do. 7 3 Registration Officer, £275 Taranaki ... Flight, J. ... do. 59 17 0 do. Res. Magistrate at £350, do. do. J une, 1852 13 10 and Sheriff, Fees Wellington Boor, L. G. do. 67 1 0 do. None do. do. Hutt Kilgour, J... do. 3 6 0 do. do. do. do. Wairarapa Spratt, H. T. do. 15 2 0 do. Native Med. attend., £100 do. do. May, 1859 7 0 Wanganui Ross, II. ... do. 4 4 0 do. None do. do. July, 1865 ... Rangitikei Fletcher, J. F. do. 11 5 0 do. Medical attendant on Nado. do. 0 9 tives, at £100 Porirua Knox, F. J. do. 15 4 6 do. Ditto ditto, at £50 do. do. Mar., 18G5 1 1