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D.—No. 3.

Whether the Office be held in Annual R ite Amount of Whether the Principal conjunction with any and what Period Whether the Total period of Service By whom Appointed PQ . Fees be allowed a house for other Civil or Military Office, during which the Officer has Principal enjoy any, under the Date of ot oalar ■ retained as his personal residence, or Appointment, and what other General Government. OFFICE. NAME. and under payable on Perquisites orplace of profit, on the been absent advantage or profit, Appointment. what Instrument. 30th April, of Office daring the or what allowance (if any) for house rent Establishment of the General Government or any Provincial Government of New Zealand. from the Colony during the vcar not required to be stated in the Years of Actual Service. 1866. year 1865. or quarters. 1865.' preceding columns. Date of first Appointment. Govt. Domains, con- £ S. d. £ s. d. T. M. ti/iued — bony Bay - Gardener ... T. Osborne 120 0 0 •. • House None Not absent None Jan., 1860 6 3 Assistant Gardener W. Osborne Is. per d IV • • ■ .. • ... ... do. do. do. Auckland Domain — Man in charge and Mr. and Mrs. Ben- ... 120 0 0 do. do. do. Housekeeper stead Gardener and AsJ. Lynch and Son... ... 182 12 0 do. do. do. sistant GOVERNMENT 1'UIXTixa Establishment — Government Printer Geo. Didsbury 1 April, 18G5 Colonial Secretary 300 0 0 None None do. do. (6)1 Aug., 1861 1 9 Overseer ... Jas. C'ostall do. do. 200 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Ajiril, 18G5 1 1 Compositor .Tas. Burns 1 Sept., 1864 Government Printer 1G3 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Sept., 18G4 1 8 ,, J. 1>. Leary 1 July, 1861do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 1861 1 10 Win. Payne do. do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. 1 10 ,, P. Long 1 Oct., 1864 do. 150 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Oct., 1864 1 7 ,, John McQlashan... do. do. 15G 0 0 do. do. do. do. do. 1 7 ,, and Reader W. Kolleway 1 April, 18(55 do. 156 0 0 ,, do. do. do. do. 1 April, 1868 1 1 John Gamble 1 May, 1805 do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 May, 18G5 1 0 ;, . m A. Lnng 1 Mar., 18Gfi do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Mar., 1866 0 2 (•) S. Olapnam 1 April, 18GG do. 1 ■->(', 0 0 do. .do. do. do. 1 April, 180G 0 1 Pressman ... J. J. Cherrott 1 July, I SGI do. 165 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 18G t 1 10 H. Hume 1") Aug., 1805 do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. 15 Aug., 1865 0 8 n Kol >t. Morrison ... 1-") Oct, 1865 do. 156 0 0 do. do. do. do. 15 Oct., 1866 0 6 Press Assistant II. Decks 1 July, 1861 do. 125 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 18G I 1 10 >> 11. BlundeU 1 July, 18G5 do. 110 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 1805 0 10 Apprentice l<\ Rogers 1 July, 1861do. 72 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 1864 1 10 John Wail! 1 May, 18G5 do. 72 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 May, 1805 1 0 Edward Waitt ... 1 April, 18G5 do. 36 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 April, 1865 1 1 Errand liov Joseph Waitt 1 July, 18G5 do. 36 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 July, 1865 0 10 „ ' («) E. Milstcad 1 Feb., 18GG do. 30 0 0 do. do. do. do. 1 Feb., 1866 0 3 («) These appointments have been made o fill up yacan cies. (4) Employed ft ran 1 August, 1861, to 31 March, 18G5, as overseer in the Government Printing Office. N.B.— The werseer and men are allowed the current rates for overtime.