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HAWKE' BAY— con ti, ued. Name of Lessee. Area. Annual Amount of Bent paid. Foi what purpose Land leased. A. G. Tollemache Ditto Messrs. Nairn J. D. Ormond J. Tanner ... A. Price ... J. Parsons Messrs. Pearse Ditto Rhodes and Chapman Captain Carr Messrs. Speedy ... ... H. W. P. Smith J. Weston AVhitmore and McNeill ... Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto A. Gc. Tollemache J. A. Deane E.Collins H. A. Duff Ditto Acres. 7,260 4.620 25,780 799 3,600 3,205 4,227 5,389 4,476 14,055 1,0669 1,440 755 2,458 8,916 10,000 10,838 4,875 10,486 15,637 1,818 6,700 1,621 4,150 9,000 4,715 £ s. d. 15 2 6 9 12 8 53 14 2 1 13 3 7 10 0 6 13 6 8 16 1 11 4 6 9 6 6 29 2 S 22 4 6 3 0 0 1 11 6 5 2 5 17 11 G 20 16 8 22 11 7 10 3 1 21 10 11 32 11 6 3 15 !) 13 19 2 3 17 <; 8 13 0 18 15 0 9 1G 6 Under Depasturing License for Suns. 77 '5 77 '7 51 :> 5J :■) Jl " 5> » >» "' :j :> »1 35 33 33 33 3» 3> T3 33 33 33 H 33 !3 !3 J3 33 33 3» 33 3) 33 33 3> J3 >3 33 T» 33 33 33 »» 33 33 Totals J. C. LiiiBTON" Carter, Commissioner of Crown Lands. EETTTEN of Lands le WELLINGTON WELLINGTON. i on Dkpastt mounts of Ee raoe Lease, or for otli ;nt Paid, and Acreage ( ag-e Lease, or for other purposes, with Names of Lessees, it Paid, and Acreage of Land Leased. Names of Lessees. District. Acres. Amount of Kent paid. Kcmarks. Messrs. Cameron Ditto &. H. Luxford M. A. Buxton... C. A. Vallanco E.' Meredith Hales and Murch D. Eiddiford C. F. Halo's estate ... W. Beetham James Smith ... Ditto J. V. Smith Ditto E. and P. Maunscll ... Thomas Gi-uthrie I. E. Featherston ... J. Kelham W. Knight J. Sutherland... E. Barton A. McMastera P.Hume A. G-illies C. E. Bidwell East Coast » )> ?» )» )» » )> jj 14,100 10,800 9,715 4,216 21,711 3,516 . 7,500 11,318 5,080 3,000 1,600 6,500 18,700 5,000 11,575 13,580 11,846 16,100 4,340 9,150 14,100 11,355 1,900 5,000 3,450 £ s. i 29 7 6 45 0 0 40 0 7 17 11 4 42 2 11 14 13 0 31 5 0 47 3 2 10 11 8 12 10 0 3 G 8 This payment is for six months only the Messrs. Cameron having purchased the whole of the run in Oct., 1S65. This payment is also for six months, the whole of the land having been sold by public auction on the 26th Sept., 1865. »» )» 5) 5) j> 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 5) j» 19 9 S 10 8 4 24 2 3 28 5 10 24 13 7 33 10 10 4 10 5 9 10 7 58 15 0 47 G 3 7 18 4 20 1G 8 14 7 G No rent is yet duo, the license being dated 30th" June, 1866. For six months only, the land having been sold by public auction. 73 37 33 37 33 )7 33 33 33 77 77 3> 5) 37 3) 77 77 33 Wairarapa )> 77 >) Totals Crown Lands Office July, 18G( A very large portion of I public auction at the upset j: the Amended Kogulations of ;, "Wellington, William Pitziieereet, 5. Commissioner of Crown Lands. the above land has been applied for as pastoral land, and -will, when surveyed, be put up to iriee of 5s. per acre, unless the applicants should exercise their right, conferred upon them by 18G5, of taking the land at 7s. 6d. per acre, without going to auction.