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B.—No. 2.



!OLONIAL TEEASTJEEE, Ac— continued. Ce, DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. a. Brought forward Postal,— Salaries ... ... ... ...30 June £383 15 0 „ Country Postmasters 1 14 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 185 12 7 2,083 6 10 21,084 18 8 257,656 12 7 £571 1 7 Excess over Vote transferred to Supplementary 222 17 7 Total, Postal ... ... ... Total, Province of Taranaki 318 4 0 2,431 10 10 Province of Wellington. Judicial, — Supreme Court, — Salaries ... 30 June £969 8 6 „ Sheriff... „ 42 14 0 Contingencies ... ,, 73 19 6 1,086 2 0 Resident Magistrates' Courts, — Wellington,— Salaries ... 30 June £1,164 0 0 Forage and Contingencies „ 166 2 3 1,330 2 3 Wanganui,— Salaries ... 30 June £580 0 0 Forage and Contingencies „ 85 4 (i 663 4 6 Wairarapa,— Salary ... ... ... 30 Juno 200 0 0 Coroners'fees ... ... ... „ 114 2 3 Lunatic Ordinance Amendment Act, — Fees ... ... ... „ 110 £3,396 12 0 Excess over Vote transferred to Supplementary 27 2 0 Total, Judicial ... ... ... 3.369 10 0 Registration, — Registrar of Deeds Department,-— Salaries' ... 30 June £551 16 0 Contingencies ... „ 51 10 11 £603 6 11 Registrars of Births, &c, — Salaries ... „ ... ... 128 4 0 Registrar of Joint Stock Companies,— Salary ... 30 June ... ... 16 0 Total, Registration ... . . Electoral, — Wellington,— Salaries ... 30 June ... ... £168 15 0 Wairarapa,— Salary ... „ ... ... 25 0 0 Wanganui,— Salary ... ... ... ... 25 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 39L 1 6 732 16 11 £609 16 6 Excess over Vote transferred to Supplementary 259 16 6 Total, Electoral ... ... ... 350 0 0 Customs, — Wellington,— Salaries ... 30 June £3,333 0 8 Contingencies ... „ 35 16 7 £3,368 17 3 Wanganui,— Salaries ... „ £496 4 8 Contingencies ... „ 71 7 2 567 11 10 Licensing Officers, — Wellington ... „ £50 0 0 Wanganui ... 31 March 18 1 0 68 1 0 £4,004 10 1 Excess over Vote transferred to Supplementary 62 5 1 Total, Customs ... ... ... -—. 3,942 5 0 Postal,— Wellington,— Salaries ... 30 June £1,114 17 10 ,, Country Postmasters „ 363 10 0 Carried forward ... £1,478 7 10 8,394 11 11 23,516 9 6 257,656 12 7