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B. Xo. 2.



'OliON IA L TREASURES, &c— continued. L'il. DISBURSEMENTS. £ 3. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. Brought forward 764 4 0 18,169 13 5 130,293 12 10 Judicial (continued) — Clerk to Chief Justice, salary to 31 December Judge for Gold Fields „ to 30 J urn: Criminal Prosecutions, —■ Auckland ... ... £1,250 8 10 Less, allowances refunded 7 0 3 £1,243 8 7 Taranaki ... ... ... ... 204 14 4 Wellington ... ... ... 392 2 1 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... 64 17 6 Nelson ... ... ... ... 150 3 2 Marlborough ... ... ... 66 4 0 Canterbury ... ... ... 82 7 6 Otago ... ... ... ... 1,587 18 <A Southland ... ... ... ... 758 12 0 75 0 0 1,000 0 0 7,550 7 6 Excess over Vote, transferred to Supplementary ... \),6&J 11 (j 5,339 11 6 Registration, — Registrar of Land and Deeds Department, — Salaries, to 21 December ... ... 168 0 11 Contingencies ... ... ... 060 1,050 0 0 168 6 11 District Registrars of Lands, — Auckland, — Salaries, to 30 June ... ... ... £169 Id 0 Contingencies ,, ... ... ... 19 2 7 Wellington,— Salaries, to 30 June ... ... ... 51 12 1 Contingencies ,, ... ... ... 29 It 0 569 18 8 Registrar-General's Department,— Salaries, to 30 June ... ... ... £1,018 7 2 Contingencies ,, ... ... ... 57 4 0 738 5 7 £1,075 11 2 District Registrar,—Chatham Islands ... 4 2 6 1,079 13 8 Customs, —■ Office of Commissioner of Customs, — Salaries, to 30 June ... Preventive Service, —Chatham Islands, — Salaries, to 30 June ... ... ... £300 0 0 Contingencies ... ... ... 157 16 8 173 13 9 1,817 19 3 457 10 8 631 10 5 Postal — Postmaster-General's Department,— Salaries, to 30 June ... ... ... £1,286 1 3 Postage Stamp Plates and charges ... 224 8 9 Contingencies ... ... ... 71 18 9 1,582 8 9 Conveyance of Mails by sea, — Inter-Colonial, — Sydney and Auckland, 30 June ... £9,000 0 0 „ Nelson, „ ... 6,133 6 8 Melbourne and Otago, „ ... 13,326 10 6 Inter-Provincial, — Panama Co., East Coast „ ... 5,691 0 0 „ West Coast „ ... 6,624 0 0 N.Z.S.N. Co., East and West Coast,, ... 13,410 0 0 „ Extra Services „ ... 200 0 0 t51,387 17 2 Less, fines recovered ... ... 35 0 0 54,352 17 2 Postal Contingencies,—■ Commission on Remittances, — Money Order Account ... £131 6 10 Sundries ... ... 68 8 5 199 15 3 Less credits, sale of Mail Boxes £4 15 3 „ refund overpayment 8 7 0 13 2 3 18G 13 0 Carried forward 56,121 18 11 19,659 3 1 130,^92 12 10 5