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A.—No. 4.

It will increase the number of the Pakehas in Manawatu. will ennoble the Natives, and cause goodwill to spring up between the two races, the Pakehas and the Maoris. From your dear fr: Tamihana Te Rattpabaha. Enclosure 3 in No. 2. Copy of a Letter from Pabakata Te Pouepa to Mr. Rollestov Xi a Te Bobetana,— Otaki, 30 Aperira, IS6G. Tena koe. E hoa, kit haere atu dga tangata pupuri o Bangitikei ki Poneke, kite kawe atu i to ratou pouri mo te kupu a Te Pura kia lioatu te moni utu o Eangitikei ki nga iwi o tawhiti ke, ko te kupu a nga tangata tuturu, kaore e'paikia hoko i to ratou wahi, c mea ana ta ratou kupu ahakoakahore Kawana i Poneke, ko ona hoa hei taenga atu mo ratou, ko Matara, ko Te Batana, me nga Bangfttira o Poneke hei whakaputanga mo a ratou korero, kia rctngo koutou i a ratou kupu i korero ai ki a Te Petatone i nga ra o Aperira 18, 11, ISGG. Ka haere atu hoki ahau ki te whakarongo. Heoi ano na to hoa, Xi a Te Eoretana. Na Pabakaia Te Pouepa. [translation.] To Mn. Rolleston — Otaki, 30th April, ISG6. Salutations. Friend, the peo])le opposed to the sale of Eangitikei are going to Wellington to make known their grief on account of Mr. Buller"s intention to give the purchase money for Eangitikei to the tribes of distant places. The word of the resident Natives is not favourable to the sale of their places. They say although the Governor is not in Wellington, his friends (can be seen) on their arrival (viz.) Mr. Mantel], Colonel Russell, and the gentlemen of "Wellington, who will give them a hearing. Do you all hearken to their word to Dr. Feathcrston on the 13th and 11th of April, 1866. I am also going to listen. , Sufficient from your friend, To Mr. Eolleston. Pabakaia Te Poi ! Enclosure 4 in No. 2. Babe Hemi Taiiabape to the Hon. the Native Minister. Xi a Te Batana, — Manawatu, Aperira 18, ISGG. Ko taku whakahe tcnei mo tc mahi a nga kai hoko whenua o Eangitikei, i horapa noa mai nei ki runga lei toku pihi whenua, koia tcnei ka whakaaturia c au toku rohe. Ka timata i Paranui, rere tonu ki Paepae, rere i waengauui o Kaikokopu, o Koputaara, lea put* atu ki te tai, kite pitirere tonu ite takutai moana, ka tae atu ki Ivaiiwi, ka tutuki atu kite rohe ate Kuini ka hoki ki uta c rere ana i runga i te rohe a te Kuini—te Hawera, o Marupapako, kei uta atu o Marupapako, ka whati, ka rere tonu Totara, ka tutuki atu ki ta Parakaia ma rohe, rere tonu ka tutuki atu ano ki Paranui, ka mutu, ekore an c tango i te moni a Te Petatone c lea homai noa lei runga ki toku whenua. Heoti ano. Na Hare Hejii Taiiakapa. [tbanblatiok.] To Colonel Russell, — Manawatu, 18th April, ISGG. This is my protest against the proceedings of the sellers of Eangitikei, who have settled <;n my piece of land without authority. This is it. 1 will explain my boundary. It commences at Paranui, then goes on to Paepae, running between Kaikokopu and Koputaara till it comes out to the sea beach. Then it goes along the sea coast till it reaches Kai Iwi, and joins the boundary of the land of the Queen. Then it goes inland along the line of the Queen's boundary to Hawera o Marupapako inland of Marupapako, then it descends and runs on to Totara, where it meets the boundary of Parakaia and Ins people, and goes on until it reaches Paranui, where it terminates. I will not take Dr. Fep.therston's money if offered by him of his own accord for my land. Sufficient. From Ha uk Heki Taiiabape. Enclosure 5 in No. 2. Copy of a Letter from Hubi: te Hiaeo and others, to the Hon. the Native Minister. Puketotara, Aperira 28,18GG. Xi a Te Eahere Minita o nga tangata Maori, puta noa ki tona Runanga kei Poneke. E hoa ma, Tena ra koutou, te noho mam a i roto ito aroha noa o tatuu Ar-i-ki o Ihu Karaiti. 15 hoa kua rongo matou, kua tae atu te pukapuka a Henare te Herekau, a Hori te AYaharoa me to r.iua fiunanga kia Te Wnititera, mo to matou whenua i Manawatu. eke noa ki te iwi-roa ote Ika-a-Mkui ara ki tetaukaka o Tararua huri noa ki roto ki Mongohao, ara kite Awahauiti-a-Tane —meliemea lie tika tc pukapuka a aua tangata i tukuna atu na kia Te Wlutitera kia tukuna atu ki Ingarangi c he ana, ko tenei whenua no matou no vga iwi c rua, no Rangitane, no Muaupoko, otira ma matou ano c xta whakamarama atu nga tangata o Ngatiraukawa i uru ki roto ki te hawho iti rawa oto matou ktinga. Ko Hona to Purangi, x „ Ranreti Ngawhena, x „ Tc Aomare te Puna, x ~ Takerei te Nawe, x