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A^-No. 4.

Brigadier-General Carey, relative to the reduction of the force on the Waikato frontier, and bearing out the views of the Lieut.-General, conveyed in his letter of the 22nd instant, to His Excellency. Brigadier-General Carey has been directed not to sanction any reduction of the force under command, except under instructions, direct either from His Excellency or the Lieut.-General. I have, Ac, Geo. Dean Pitt, The Private Secretary, Government House, Auckland Major, A.M.S. Enclosure 1 to No. 76. Brigadier General Carey to the Deputy Quartermaster Genebal. Sir, — Te Awamutu, 10th April, 1865. I have the honor to transmit herewith for the information of the Lieut.-General Commanding the Forces, copies of letters, received from Colonel Haultain, commanding local Forces, intimating to me a further reduction about to take place in the numbers of the Militia on pay in the Thames and Waikato Districts, also bringing to my notice that he does not think it expedient to leave any guns in charge of the Militia. On the first reduction of the Militia stationed at Pukekura, I removed the gun there stationed with its detachment Eoyal Artillery, to his station, as intimated to you in my letter of the 31st ultimo. I have now given orders for the removal of the nine-pounder gun, to-morrow morning from Alexandra to Te Eorc. Relative to the reduction of the Thames posts, I have written to Colonel Haultain to request that if he is empowered to do so he will defer the proposed arrangement until I receive instructions from the Commander of the Forces. My reason for having done this is the present state in which I am led to believe William Thompson's people now are, which renders a reduction of the force on the Thames line, in my opinion, injudicious. Thompson's last letter to me stating that his people were about to rise, take up arms, and proceed to Tauranga and Maketu to fight, I forwarded to the Deputy Quartermaster General on the 3rd instant. I have further to bring to the notice of the Lieut.-General Commanding the Forces that the reduction of the Thames line of posts might seriously injure my communication with Auckland both on the Lower Waikato and on the South Eoad, between Queen's Eedoubt and Drury, should Thompson's people again become unsettled and take up arms. , Geo. J. Carey, The Deputy Quartermaster-General. Brigadier-General. Enclosure 2 to No. 76. Colonel Haultain to Brigadier-General Carey. Sir,- — Ngaruawahia, sth April, 1865. In reply to your letter, No. 148-413-65, of the 23rd ultimo, I have the honor to state, for the information of the Brigadier-General, that as I have received instructions from the Government to reduce still further the strength of the garrisons in the different redoubts, Ido not think it would be expedient to leave any guns in charge of the Militia. I have, Ac, The Deputy Adjutant-General, T. M. Haultain, Te Awamutu. Colonel commanding Waikato Districts. Enclosure 3 to No. 76. Colonel Haultais to Brigadier-General Carey. Sir, —■ Ngaruawahia, 6th April, 1865. With reference to my letter No. 32, of the 11th March, 1865, forwarding a return of the minimum strength of the garrisons of the several posts held by the Waikato Militia, I have now the honor to enclose, for the information of the Brigadier-General commanding, a return shewing the strength which the Colonial Government have authorised to be retained on pay for garrison and all other duties in the Waikato districts—and I have to request that you will obtain the sanction of the Brigadier-General to my withdrawing from the Thames line of posts all men in excess of the number authorised by Government to be kept on pay. I have, Ac, T. M. Haultain, Brigadier-General Carey, Te Awamatu. Colonel Commanding Waikato Militia. Strength of Garrison Staff" to be retained on Pay in the Waikato and Thames Districts. Alexandra—Field Officer, 1; Subaltern, 1; Staff, 3 ; Staff Sergeants, 5 ; Sergeants, 2 ; Corporals, 4 ; Bugler, 1; Privates, 50. Cambridge—Field Officer, 1; Subaltern, 1 ; Staff, 3 ; Staff Sergeants, 5 ; Sergeants, 2 ; Corporals, 4 ; Bugler, 1 ; Privates, 50. Hamilton—Field Officer, 1 ; Subaltern, 1; Staff, 3 ; Staff Sergeants, 5 ; Sergeants, 3 ; Corporals, 5 ; Bugler, 1; Privates, 60. Kihikihi—Captain, 1 ; Subaltern, 1; Sergeants, 3 ; Corporals, 4; Bugler, 1 ; Privates, 40. Pukekuru— Captain, 1 ; Subaltern, 1; Sergeants, 3; Corporals, 4 ; Bugler. 1 ; Privates, 50. Thames Line—Captain, 1; Subalterns, 2 ; Sergeants, 5 ; Corporals, 5 ; Privates, 100. Total—Field Officers, 3 ; Captains, 3 ; Subalterns, 7 ; Staff, 9 j Staff Sergeants, 15 ; Sergeants, 18 ; Corporals, 26 ; Buglers, 5 ; Privates, 350.