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D.—No. 3.

No. 17. New Zealand Emigeation Board to Colonial Seceetaby, Wellington. Office of the New Zealand Government Emigration Board, 3, Adelaide-place, London Bridge. Sib — London E.C., 18th March, 1865. "We have the honor to enclose you herewith a complete list of the Emigrants forwarded by us to Auckland from England and Ireland: the total number of souls 2127, equal to 1780 adults. Of these there were — Agricultural laborers - 359 Other trades ..... 54 Common „ .... 226 Female domestic servants ... 174 Miners 31 Married coupies 472 Bricklayers 11 Single men 399 Carpenters 43 „ women 258 Blacksmiths ..... 23 Children under 10 years —Males, 2421 _„„ Wheelwrights 6 „ „ Females, 278) Masons ..... 15 A similar Return will be transmitted to his Honor the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland. We have, &c, Wir. S. Geahame, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Mobeison, Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand Government Emigration Board. LIST of Emigeants selected and approved by the New Zealand Government Emigbation Boaed, per Ships, as under, from England and Ireland, to Auckland, New Zealand. "Matoaka," sailed 17th September, 1864: Agricultural laborers .... 58 Female domestic servants 30 Common „---.- 38 Married couples .... 104 Miners - - - - - 8 Single males - - - - - 64 Bricklayers 5 „ females 51 Carpenters 16 Children under 10 years —Males - 49 Blacksmiths ..... 5 „ „ Females - 66 Wheelwrights 4 . Masons 5 Number of Adults ... 364 Other trades 15 Number of Souls ... 458 " Ganges," sailed ■ith November, 1864: Agricultural laborers ... - 100 Single males 91 Common ~ .... 44 ~ females 72 Carpenters 5 Children under 10 years—Males - 48 Blacksmiths 5 ~ „ Females - 77 Masons ..... 3 Other trades 6 Number of Adults - - - 386£ Female domestic servants 62 Number of Souls ... 474 Married couples 90 No. 18. New Zealand Emigbation Boaed to Colonial Seceetaet, Wellington. Office of the New Zealand Emigration Board, 3, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, Sib,— London, E.C., 25th March, 1865. We have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the Under Secretary's letter, No. 5, dated Auckland, 6th January, informing us that the administration of the arrangement and location of the emigrants introduced into the Colony had been handed over to the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, and that his Honor would reply to the letters received from this office. We now beg to inform you that we purpose closing this office on 31st inst., and will by next mail forward you closed accounts of the emigration expenditure to that date. This account will be fina.l with the exception of the second moiety of passage money on the remaining four emigrant ships. We have received certificate, signed by the Superintendent of Auckland, that the agreement made in reference to the emigration ship " Matoaka " had been duly fulfilled and observed, and that 361f statute adults had actually arrived per that vessel: on the production of which we have paid the second moiety of charter, amounting to two thousand four hundred and eighty-five pounds six shillings and threepence sterling, to Messrs. Shaw, Savill & Co. We have, &c, W. S. Geahame, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Moeeison, Wellington. New Zealand Government Emigration Board. No. 19. New Zealand Emigeation Boakd to Colonial Seceetaet, Wellington. Office of the New Zealand Government Emigration Board, 3, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, Sib,— London, E.C., 25th March, 1865. We have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the Under Secretary's letter, No. 10, dated Auckland, 7th January, informing us that the certificate of Mr. Robert Graham, the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, will be sufficient authority for us to pay the balances due in England on account of charter-parties and other expenses of emigration. Which instructions will have our attention. We have, &c, W. S. Geahame, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, John Moeeison, Wellington. New Zealand Government Emigration Board.