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D.—No. 3.

I have now to inform you that the ship " Viola," chartered by me, and owned by Messrs. P. Henderson & Co., is loading at Glasgow and will embark her passengers on the 6th December instant. These will be in number three hundred statute adults. I will send a copy of the charter-party by the ship. In the meantime I may say that the terms are precisely the same as by the " Helenslee." A nominal list of the passengers will be forwarded by next mail. I have chartered another ship to succeed the " Viola," from the same owners and on the same terms. I hope to be able to select three hundred statute adults for her also, and to despatch in February, 1865. Before the Hon. Mr. Wood left England, he placed in the Bank of New Zealand, London, a sum of £10,000 to my credit, and on the eve of his departure advised me that a further sum of the same amount, would iu a short time be in like manner at my disposal for emigration purposes. I wrote to the Bank on the 3rd November, enquiring if this second sum of £10,000 had been so placed, and was informed that it had not. As by this time I had made certain arrangements for the despatch of a third ship from the Clyde, on the faith that this money was available, I sent a strong representation to the Bank, and have since been advised that a sum of £5500 has been placed at my disposal in addition to the sum of £10,000 first named, making a total of £15,500. This sum will enable me to meet all the immediate requirements connected with these three ships, to defray current expenses, and to retain what will suffice to discharge the liabilities which will be due on the satisfactory performance of the respective services of these three vessels. Before the third ship is despatched, I hope the Bank will see its way to put me in funds to continue the service, otherwise I must bring it to a close as my means will be exhausted. In all these matters of importance I advise with the Board in London, who have manifested perfect willingness to give me all the help they can. Should this service be in operation after May, 1865, I hope in some way or other to be relieved at that time. Before engaging in this work I had accomplished all the purposes which brought me home, and I agreed to uudertake these duties for one year only. I am desirous to return to New Zealand next summer. I have, &c, The Hon. Mr. Pox, Colonial Secretary, Auckland, New Zealand. Archibald Clark. No. 8. John Morrison, Esq., to the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Office of the New Zealand Government Agency, 3, Adelaide Place, King William Street, Sib,— London, E.C., 25th November, 1864. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 482, of 6th September last, conveying to me the approval of the Government of the arrangement made with myself by the Hon. Mr. Wood in reference to the emigration service to the Colony. I duly note that the total portion of the Immigration Loan available for the Auckland Province is only £150,000, and that only two-thirds of this are appropriated for the year ending March, 1865, and not £200,000 as stated by Mr. Wood in his letter of instructions, which is the sum available for the whole North Island. I have, &c, The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland, New Zealand. John Moeeison. No. 9. The New Zealand Emigration Board to the Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Office of the New Zealand Government Emigration Board, 3, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, Sir,— London, 26th November, 1864. We have the honor to call your attention to the present position of the Board in reference to funds for the purposes of emigration. We are aware, from the contents of letter from your office, dated 6th September last, addressed to us individually, that the sum of £100,000 has been appropriated for this service for the period ending March, 1865, but up to the present time the only amount we have received is the sum of £10,000 from Bank of New Zealand, and New Zealand Government Bonds for £5,800, representing cash £5,220, valuing the bonds at £90 per cent., the limit at which we are to dispose of them. It was understood that the Crown Agents were to deliver us £10,000 in bonds, but it appears that the above £5,800 were all they had at their disposal; the balance however of £4,200 bonds at £90 per cent —£3,780 —will be paid us in cash in a few days, including this latter amount; therefore the sum available in our hands is £19,000, from which has been disbursed the following, viz.:— £ s. d. Moiety of passage money per "Matoaka," paid here .... 2,478 8 9 In addition to which the contractors claim the moiety of passage money on Coop and family, landed on our authority on account of sickness, after the vessel had finally cleared out and taken her departure from Gravesend—equal to three adults @ £6 17s. 6d., which sum we presume the Board will have to allow (taking into consideration the large number of short shipments by that vessel) . . . . . . . . . 20 12 6 Moiety of passage money per " Ganges" £1,700 bonds . . £1,530 0 0 Cash . . . 1,127 3 9 2,657 3 9 Estimated moiety of" Bombay" account not yet rendered . . . 2,248 2 8