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8.-No. 11

Cost op Colonial Defence Fobce, Auckland. „ Pay of Officers and men to 30th November . 1QQ *. ■■ * Cost of Horses "" ■•• ■•• J.o,d50 3 6 999 18 11 This Force was reduced in October, 1864. £ggj)99_ 5 _2 Va , nffi , CoST op Colonial Defence Foece, Wellington. Pay of Officers and men to 30th September Qo _„- o P., f"iT " to 31st December ."" - 3^ 8 10 Cost of Horses '" •• ■•• o,369 16 6 Contingencies (as above) to 30th September "' - IK, 2 ° to 31st December '" "" - ™ * 1 4 This Force was reduced in November, 1864. £43,613 4 0 „ „„„ CoST 0F Colonial Defence Foece, Hawke's Bay I ay of Officers and men to 31st October Cost of Horses " *°30ttN—"er Z Z Z 17 S Contingencies (as above) to 30th November Goods supplied from Militia Store, Auckland "" - 1 '299 16 2 100 0 0 This Force was reduced in October, 1864. £25,327 2 2 Recapitulation. -g . ,i Cost of Defence Force, Auckland... 28 oqq « o Ditto ditto, Wellington Z. 43m? 4 o Ditto ditto, Havvke'sBay \\\ 25,327 2 2 Total cost of Colonial Defence Force .. £97 039 11 4 19th July, 1865. _, ' _______^ Chaeles Knight, Comptroller. & -"■—"" (STATEMENT A) „ 37 @20s. 37 0 2 r\(n rge)'\ 2°@58s-thedoz- ■■ 29 0 0 Blacking, 60 tins @ 4d. \ ° 0 £ f lrts 30 @ 80s. „ ... 10 0 0 Forage Caps, 77 @ 4s. 6d. Z Z. 17 6 6 SoanVoft Pn^ @ 3d the Pair '' 6 5 ° Greatcoats, 70 @ 27s. 6d. " 96 5 O T P' n@ 6d' 1 10 0 Haversacks, 40 @ 2s. 6d. Z Z. 5 0 0 tZIT^^o^ ® 1Os- 9d' ■•■ 37 6 Knives and Forks, 7 @ 2s. ... Z. 0 14 2 ' @ 9*d 1 19 7 Actual cost of Stores for March Quarter £444~L8~n ?L7J:~:r Eia ™ ■*— -c— d-»- *-i"« Estimated ditto, for five quarters, @ £111 " ' 444 18 11 IN".B.— The Force having received their oriqinal outfit the'xu*™!;**'- i" V ••• 555 0 0 ~n chiefly retire, to replace W orn £ cloS^ §<S^^BSS^T 19th July, 1865. „ J^^ - Chaeles Knight, Auditor.