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B—No 9

Return showing the Cost of the Removal of the Seat of Government from Auckland to Wellington, including all allowances and compensation paid to Officers of Government and the persons affected by the,said removal; distinguishing the cost of Passages, Freight, and also the cost of the purchase, rent, erections of and additions to Public Buildings consequent thereon, to the 3rd of August, 1865, inclusive.


£ s. d. Colonial Secretary — W. Gisborne . . 350 0 0 A. C. P. Macdonald . 150 0 0 H. E. Eliott . 70 0 0 F. Norris . . 75 0 0 D. Keefe . . 75 0 0 720 0 0 Secretary for Crown Lands — A. Domett . . . 350 0 0 R. Lyle . . . 110 0 0 H. ,T. Masters . . 100 0 0 W. Gray . . 80 0 0 J. Huett . . . 13 12 8 ■ 653 12 8 Attorney- General — R. G. Fountain . . 125 0 0 J. C. Haselden . . 75 0 0 J. Huett . . 50 0 0 250 0 0 Colonial Treasurer — C. T. Batkin . . 200 0 0 W. V. Stevens . 80 0 0 E. H. Jackson . 80 0 0 360 0 0 Colonial Defence — W. Seed . . . 300 0 0 J. Holt . . . 300 0 0 J. Carr . . 150 0 0 P. Stevens . . . 150 0 0 H. Hartwright . 125 0 0 T. W. Lewis . . 100 0 0 A. Boughton . 87 10 0 J. Morpeth . . 87 10 0 1,300 0 0 Legislative Council — J. Curnin . . . 175 0 0 175 0 0 House of Representatives — F. E. Campbell . . 250 0 0 G. Friend . . . 125 0 0 J. P. Stevenson . . 112 10 0 E. Mayne . . . 125 0 0 J. Huett . . . 9 2 6 621 12 8 Audit — C. Knight . . . 400 0 0 E. Hill . . . 175 0 0 C. H. Snow . . 100 0 0 J. G. Anderson . . 117 10 0 J. Davis . . . 106 0 0 R. F. Parsons . . 87 10 0 L. C. Roskruge . 25 0 0 W. Kenney . ' 37 10 0 G. M. Nation . . 37 10 0 1,086 0 Postal — 0 G. E. Eliott . . 250 0 0 R. Macalister . . 117 10 0

£ s. d. Expenses, Seat of Government Coinmision .... 4,085 5 7 Compensation, as per Statement attached .... 9,497 8 8 Passages .... 150 1 9 Freight, insurance, cartage, and shipping .... 832 16 3 Miscellaneous Expenses attending the removal of Furniture and Records 1,269 9 11 Purchase of Offices . . . 9,178 0 0 Erection, alterations, and furnishing of Offices and Chambers for the Legislature . . . 8,619 15 6 Purchase and furnishing of Ministerial Residence . . . 3,414 1 11 Purchase of and expenditure on Government Domain at Lowry Bay . 10,141 2 2 Enlargement, repair, and furnishing Government House, buildings for servants, and improvement of grounds .... 7477 4 0 £54,665 5 9 Rent of Buildings on Lambton Quay for Offices of Inspector of Customs, Registrar of Deeds, &c, &c.—one quarter . . . 37 10 0 J. WOODWABD, Assistant Treasurer. Treasury, 9th August, 1865. Nominal Return of Officers removed to Wellington and of thc Compensation paid to each to 3rd August, 1865. Governor's Establishment — £ s. d. _E s. d. His Excellency Sir G. Grey . . . 1,125 0 0 F. Thatcher . . 100 0 0 Captain Bulkeley. . 100 0 0 Major Gray ' . 100 0 0 F. Goring . . . 125 0 0 F. G. Moore . . 125 0 0 G. Sampson . 65 0 0 ■ 1,740 0 0