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E.-No. 5.

to Te Awa o Te Atua and inland to Mount Edgecumbe. The only other tribe who came was the Urewera. The cause of that meeting was Mr. A'olkner's murder. Now, hearken! Ngatiawa is restricted within his own boundary. Ohiwa is the boundary. If the Governor goes to Opotiki, Ngatiawa will not go to aid the murderers. Listen, Ngatiawa has become estranged from the AVhakatohea, and if the Governor and his soldiers come let them go by sea, that they may go direct to Opotiki, to the place where the murder was done. The second word of that meeting was, if you come by land to Te Awa o Te Atua that will be another affair, that is our place. Enough. Friend, this was all that was said at that meeting. It will bo for you to send it to the Governor. Enough from us, Wepiha Apanui. Te Kepa. Apanui. To Mr. Smith, at Maketu. The Eunanga of Te Horo near Ohiwa. No. 7. THE CIVIL COMMISSIONER, AUCKLAND, TO THE HON. THE NATIVE MINISTER. Civil Commissioner's Office, Auckland, 27th June, 1865. Sir — I have the honor to enclose herewith copies of statements made by Mr. Joseph Jeans or Jennings before Mr. Commissioner Smith and myself respecting the murder of the Eev. Mr. Volkner, and other proceedings of the Pai Marire fanatics at Opotiki. I particularly beg to call your attention to these documents as they contain what appears to me to be the most distinct and straightforward account which has yet been given of that unfortunate affair. Understanding that Mr. Beckham, Eesident Magistrate, has been instructed to procure evidence regarding the death of Mr. Volkner, I shall place the original statements in his hands and instruct Mr. Joseph Jeans to attend at the Police Court to give any further information which may be in his power. I have, &c., James Mackay, Jun., The Honorable the Native Minister, C. C. Wellington. Enclosure 1 to No. 7. STATEMENT OF JOSEPH JEANS (?) JENNINGS, PORTUGUESE, RESIDENT AT OPOTIKI. My name is Joseph Jeans (?) I live at Opotiki. I have lived there six years. I am married to a Native woman belonging to the place of the Ngatiawa tribe. I was at Opotiki on the 28th February. It was about that time that a party of Hau Haus came there with Patara and Kereopa, Before they came I heard a letter read, said to have been written by Patara, from Whakatane to the Opotiki Natives, telling them to send away any Minister who might be there, as he should not like to see anyone there when he came. At this time the only Europeans at Opotiki were Dr. Agassiz, Hooper, Samuel Levy, and myself. I saw the party of Hau Haus arrive at Opotiki. They passed close to my house. I know Patara—l saw him with the party. I saw, also, Wepiha To Poono, of Whakatane, and Te Hure, of Te Awa o te Atua with them. The whole party were about 200 in number. I know several of them. I saw Mokomoko, of Ohiwa, Hekara, of AVhakatane. Te Haraki, and his son AVi, of Kopeopeo, Kepa Taurarangi and his party was also with them, but they went back before the schooner "Eclipse" arrived. I pulled Kepa across the river myself on his return. Patara and Kereopa's own party were about forty in number —they had no arms. I saw none. I hoard that it was by Horopapera's orders that they travelled unarmed. The party arrived at Opotiki about the middle of the day. They were met by the resident Natives at a spot close to my house. They had war dances, and then speeches. Kereopa began. He said he had come to make the place sacred, and to teach the people the new religion, and that they should forsake lhe " Karakia te whatewha." He said the missionaries had come to get the land only. The Opitiki Natives listened to the speech of Kereopa without replying. Patara then spoke to the same effect. AVhen he had finished, some of the Opotiki chiefs replied. They said, "It is correct what you say —welcome to Opotiki." Among the chiefs who assented, I noticed Pokeno *(Te Awanui's son). Hakaraia Tuau, Timoti * Te Awanui or To Aerotanga was the Chief who was shot by Winiata's widow, after being taken prisoner in the fight at Te Awao Te Atua in April, 1864.