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E.—No. 5.

I beg to enclose a copy of a Native letter from the Whakatanc chiefs on the subject. Also a copy of a statement made by the master of the schooner " Kate." Although the statement rests entirely on Native authority, but taking it in connection with former information received, I fear there is little hope of its proving a false alarm. I have, &c, Henrt T. Clarke, The Honorable the Native Minister Civil Commissioner. "Wellington. Enclosure 1 to No. 2. Pepuere 28th, 1865, (Maehe sth.) Haere ta matou reta kia Te Kawana ara ki tona Runanga hoki. E hoa. Tena koutou ko tou Runanga Pakeha. Whakarongo mai koe, kua mate aTe Wakana iTe Whakatohea. Kita topahia ta upoko hai atua mo ratou. Ko nga rorr, kua kainga eTe Whakatohea, c nga tane c nga Wahine c (te) tamariki, he whakamohio atu teoei na nga Rangatira o Awa. Na Tamarangi ToiHAU. Na Afanui. Na Wepiha Mautaranui. Na Hehimia Mokai. Na Kawakura. Kapariehe. Xi te kite koe i tena reta whakahokia mai te utu. Kia rongo a Awa, Kei te mamae no tenei he pukapuka. Kia rongo a Awa, kei to mamae no tenei kokuru, ko te utu, me tika mai ki Wakatane. Engari, kai ahua pouri koe, ki to matou haerenga atu ki Maketu. He Awatea, Engari ko te he ki Opotiki he koliuru. Heoi ka huri. Na Te Runanga o te iwi katoa. [translation.] February 28th, (March sth). 1865. Go our letter to the Governor, and to his Runanga also. Friend. Salutations to you and to your Pakeha Runanga. Listen. Mr. Volkner has been killed by the Wakatohea, his head has been cut off for a God for themselves, his brains have been eaten by the Wakatohea, by the men, women and children. This is from the chiefs of Awa (Ngatiawa) to give you information. From Tamarangi Toihau. „ Apanui. „ Wepiha te Mautaranui. ~ Herimia Mokai. ~ Kawaktjra. „ Kapariere. When you have received this letter, answer it, answer it by letter, that Awa (Ngatiawa) may know (your thoughts), for Awa is pained on account of this murder. Send the letter direct to Wakatane. But do not be dark on account of our going to Maketu (i.e. their former fighting with Te Arawa) that was done in broad daylight. But the fault (or crime) of the Opotiki natives is murder. It turns. From the Runanga of the whole tribe. Enclosure 2 to No. 2. MEMORANHUM. STATEMENT BY THE MASTER OF THE CUTTER " KATE," FROM WHAKATANE. Te Papa, Tauranga, March 6th, 1865. I left yesterday after dusk. In the morning Te Hura of Te Awa-o-te-Atua arrived from Opotiki, and brought news of Mr. Volkner having been murdered by Kereopa. He stated that B