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E.—No. 2.

Enclosure 5 in No. 4. [translation. Tiakitahuni, (Upper Manawatu), June 20th, 1865. This is an expression of the thoughts of the Eangitane in respect to the rents (for land) from Eangitikei to Manawatu, and in regard to the sheep and cattle of Pakehas now running on this laud. Listen, Dr. Featherston ! Our friend Mr Buller has arrived, and we have heard his words respecting this disputed land of ours. All his speech on this subject was satisfactory to us. We have received also your letter, addressed to Hoani Meihana, and your words with reference to the rents are very clear. Now listen to this our great word (or Declaration). The cattle and the sheep of the Pakehas will not be impounded by us, nor molested in any way. "We are willing to leave the matter in your hands. We leave you also to decide concerning the rents. When the mode of dividing this money between the three tribes is perfectly clear then we will receive it from your own hands, each tribe receiving its proper share. Enough. "We leave our dispute in your hands. Ended, From your friends, Hoani Meihana. Te Peeti te Awxawk. Te Warena Mahuhi. Bota Paea. Kerei te Paua. Tutere Tiweta. Apiata te Matai, x. Karauama te Ka, x. Kenata Hiha, x. Hekonaiha Paeboa, x. Hanita pc Aweawe, x. "Witness to signature and to marks, W. BULLEH, E.M. To Dr. Fdatheraton, of "Wellington. No. 5. THE r>DEE SECRETARY TO THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE, WBUSBXSVI. Native Secretary's Office, Wellington, July 10th, 1865. SSr,— With reference to your report on the Eangitikei Land Dispute and the several agreements therein signed by Ngatiraukawa, Ngatiapa and Baugitane Natives. lam directed by Mr. Mantell to enquire whether all those who have signed, have claims to the Land in question. Also whether all, or all leading men who have claims, including those of the Maori King party have signed. I have, &c., W. BOLiESTON, Under Secretary. Walter L. Buller, Esq., Eesident Magistrate, Whanganui. No. 6. THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE WHANGANUI, TO THE HON. THE NATIVE MINISTER. Eesident Magistrate's Office, Wangauui, July 12, 1865. Sir,— I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the Under Secretary's letter of 10th instant referring to my Eeport on the Eangitikei Land Dispute, and enquiring whether all those who have signed the several agreements have claims to the Land in question; also whether all, or all the leading men who have claims, including those of the Maori King party have signed.