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E.—No. 2.

Hoaki Meihana te Eajcgiohi, A Chief of Bangitane ; WIEEMV PUKAPUKA, A Chief of Ngatiraukawa : NOA TE EaUHIHI, A Chief of Ngatiraukawa ; Hoei Kerei te "WAnAEOA, A Chief of Ngatiwhakature; Apeeahama te Hueuhueit, A Chief of Ngatiraukawa Te Eei Paehua. Witness to Signatures— Walter Buller, E.M. To Dr. Featherston. No. 2. THE RESIDENT MAGISTEATE, MASAWATU, TO THE HO>*. THE NATIVE MINISTER. Manawatu, 11th May, 1865. Silt,— I have the honor to report that a Ngatiapa Chief, Hunia Hakekic, cainc to me, asking me to prevent the settlers having runs on the disputed land from paying the rents. He informed me that if they persisted in doing so, war would be the result, and that immediately. As I am in no way empowered to interfere in this question, I desired him to make his report to me in writing, in order that I might forward it for your information. Enclosed is his letter, together with one for yourself, and one written to Mr. Hamlin by a Ngatiapa Chief, who holds different views. Unless some decided measures are immediately taken, I fear far more serious complication will arise. I am informed that the Ngatiapa have got the Wanganui natives to join them in the event of hostilities. As I understand it, the question stands thus — The Ngatiraukawa, the Eangitane, and the Ngatiapa tribes, claim this land. Europeans rent runs on it. The rents were formerly paid to Napu, the Ngatiraukawa Chief, who used to give some of the money to the Ngatipas. Upon the death of Napu, the Ngatiapas claimed a share of the rents, on the ground, that Napu gave them a portion. The Ngatiraukawas not agreeing to do so, the Ngatiapas offered the block to Dr. Featherston for sale, who authorised the settlers to pay no more rents until the land was purchased, or some other arrangement was agreed upon. It is not for me to offer an opinion, but if all the information is true that I get, I cannot but think that the settlers are in much danger of being drawn into this quarrel, as the Ngatiraukawas threaten to detain their stock if the rents are not paid, while the Ngatiapas threaten to go to war with the Ngatiraukawas, if they receive them. I can do nothing without instructions. I have, &c, M. Noake, The Hon. the Native Minister, Eesident Magistrate. Wellington. Enclosure 1 in No. 2. Turakina, Pepuere, 16, 1860. Kia Mataea, — E hoa Tena koe he kupu atu tena ki a koe mo te whenua, ara, ko te ingoa 0 taua whenua ko Eangitikei, i timata mai o Omarupapaka, i te taha ki Manawatu, ko te mutunga o te taha ki uta, kei Pikitara. Ko tenei whenua kua hoatu eau kia Petetone, Otira, c nga iwi c rua c Ngatiapa, c Wanganui. Ko tenei c hoa, he uinga atu tena kia koe, mchemea kua v.aiho iho pea c Petetone taua whenua ki a koe, me nga pukapuka hoki 0 taua Whenua, Otiia, kite kore c homai c ia ki a koe, he wareware pea nona, otira kite wareware a Petetone, mau c vi atu kia Te Peka raua ko Te Hemara. Heoi ano, Na. Apeeauama Tipae, Xi a Matara. B