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D.—No. 5.

No. 7. Sir, — Downing Street, 9th May, 1864. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch of the 6th February, No. 16, forwarding two interesting reports from the Civil Commissioner of the Napier District on the disposition of the natives there. I have, &c, Governor Sir Greorge Grey, X.C.8., <fee, <&c, &c. Edward Cardweli,. No. 8. Sib,— Downing Street, 10th May, 1864. I have received your despatch of the 3rd February last, No. 17, and I have read with interest the report of the Civil Commissioner of the Bay of Islands District on the state of feeling amongst the natives there. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, <fee, &c. Edward Caedwell. No. 9. Sir,— Downing Street, 12th May, 1864. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Despatch, No. 18, of the 3rd of February, enclosing a copy of a letter from Captain Rhodes, in which he recommends that Easter Island, off the West Coast of America, should be examined by some competent persons to ascertain its capabilities as a coaling station. I caused a copy of your Despatch to be laid before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and their Lordships have informed me that Easter Island is not adapted, either in point of position or of shelter, for a coaling station between Panama and Australia. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, &c, &c. Edward Cardwell. No. 10. Sib,— Downing Street, 14th May, 1864. I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Despatch, No. 19, of the sth of February, informing me that General Cameron had advanced to a place named Te Eore, in close proximity to a strongly entrenched position occupied by the insurgent natives, which it appeared to be their intention to defend,and enclosing a tracing shewing the relative position of the rebel natives and of Her Majesty's forces. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, &c, &c. Edwabd Cardwell. No. 11. Sir,— Downing Street, 21st May, 1864. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 25, of the 12th February, transmitting a Sketch of Tauranga Harbour, accompanied by a Return shewing the total number of Adult Males inhabiting the shores of the harbour, and the number of those who have joined the Waikato insurgents. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, &c, &c. Edward Cardweli,. No. 12. Sir, — Downing Street, 22nd May, 1864. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 26, of the 12th February, transmitting copies of two letters, one from the Bishop of Waiapu, the other from his son the Reverend Leonard Williams, describing the state of the native population on the East Coast of the Island. I trust that your interview with the deputation from these tribes will have the effect of reassuring their minds as to the intentions of Her Majesty's Government towards the native population. I have, &c., Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.8.,&c., &c, &c. Edward Cabdwell. ■^— —■^™ No. 13. Sir,— Downing Street, 22nd May, 1864. 1 have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Despatches, Nos. 27, 28, and 33, of the 15th and 23rd of February, transmitting Despatches from Lieutenant-General Sir Duncan Cameron, and a letter from Mr Mainwaring, reporting the details of an action with the natives which took place on the Mangapiko River on the 11th of February. I have received with much satisfaction these accounts of the gallantry displayed by the offieera and men, both of the Regular and Colonial Forces, who were engaged on this occasion. I have, &c, Governor Sir George Grey, X.C.8., &c, &c., &c. Edward Cabdwell. No. 14. Sib,— Downing Street, 23rd May, 1864. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch, No. 34, of the 27th of Febru-