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A.—No. 3

No. 9. COPY OF A LETTER FROM THE COLONIAL SECRETARY TO T. BECKHAM, ESQ. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, September 7th, 1864. Sir,— In reference to the correspondence which has taken place on the subject of the distribution of the sura voted by the Assembly for the Reinstatement of the Settlement and Inhabitants of Taranaki, I have the honor to inform you that the Government is prepared to admit Mr. Sewell's award as the basis for the distribution of the Fund ; and as the money is not likely to be available for some time, certificates will be issued in the mean time to those who may be desirous of obtaining them. I hare, &c, Fredk. Whitaker, In the absence of Mr. Fox. His Honor the Superintendent, New Plymouth. No. 10. COPY OF A LETTER FROM THE COLONIAL SECRETARY TO T. BECKHAM, ESQ. Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 22nd September, 1864. Sib,— I have the houor to acknowledge your letter of the 7th instant, No. 266, informing me that the Government is prepared to admit Mr. Sewell's award as the basis for the distribution of the reinstatement Fund, and that certificates will be issued in the mean time to those who may be desirous of obtaining them. I beg to recommend strongly to the favourable consideration of the Government that, as it will take some months to conclude the claims, the Sub-Commissioners here be instructed at once to inquire and report on the Supplementary and Military Claims, as well as to issue the Certificates above mentioned. I have, &c, Chas. Brown, Superintendent. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Auckland, No. 11. COPY OF A LETTER FROM THF, COLONIAL SECRETARY TO T, BECKHAM, ESQ. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 28th September, 1864. I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Honor's letter, No. 67, of the 22nd instant, and in reply to inform you that immediate step 3 will be taken for the issue of certificates in connexion with the distribution of the Taranaki Reinstatement Fund. I have, &c, William Fox. His Honor the Superintendent, of Taranaki. No. 12. COPY OF A LETTER FROM THE COLONIAL SECRETARY TO T. BECKHAM, ESQ. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, sth November, 1864. g IR ' I have the honor, by direction of Mr. Fox, to request you to be good enough to proceed to New Plymouth by the first opportunity, and there to enquire into and determine the amount of loss sustained by the Taranaki Settlers during the War of 1860 and 1861, as represented in certain . Supplementary and Military claims made by them in addition to those reported on by Mr. Commissioner The Commission issued to you on the 17th of May last, will be your authority to perform these functions.