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JNo. Date. Writer and Subject of Paper. 1 31st October, 1862 Ministerial Memorandum in reference to Mr. Ward's proceeding to England. Despatch—His Excellency the Govenior to the Duke of Newcastle accrediting Mi\ Ward. Colonial Secretary to Mr. "Ward—Instructing him not to fix or recommend any particular Port of Call for the Panama Line. Mr. Ward to Colonial Secretary, New South Wales, as to Panama Route. Reply, thereto. Mr. Ward in reply to Colonial Secretary, New South Wales. Mr. Ward to Colonial Secretary, Victoria. Colonial Secretary, Victoria, in reply. Mr. Ward's reply. Mr. Ward to the Chancellor of the Exchequer—requesting interview as to Panama Service. Mr. Ward to the Chancellor of the Exchequer—forwarding statement as to Pamama Service. Mr. Ward to Colonial Office—forwarding copy of statement. Mi\ Ward and Mr. Hamilton to Postmaster-General-—requesting interview. Mr. Ward to Colonial Secretary, New Zealand—stating result of interview with Her Majesty's Postmaster-General. The Ptight Honorable F. Peel'to Mr. Ward—declining, on behalf of Her Majesty's Government, to assist in establishing the Panama Service. Mr. Ward to Colonial Secretary, New Zealand—enclosing copy of the above. Mr. Ward to Colonial Secretary, New Zealand—stating result of interview wkh the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Secretary I.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward—in reply to Mr. Ward's of 25th June (no copy kept.) Mr. Ward to the Right Honorable F. Peel—enquiring as apportionment of Postages. Mr. Ward to Secretary General Post Office—as to Postal arrange ments via Panama. Secretary I.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward to the Under-Secretary for the Colonies—enquiring as to the transfer of the £13,000 (Inter-Colonial subsidy) to the Panama Route. The Under-Secretary for the Colonies—in reply to Mr. Ward's enquiry. Secretary T.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward—in reply to Mr. Ward's letter of 7th September (no copy kept.) Secretaiy I.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward. Secretary I.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward—in reply to Mr. Ward's letter of the 19th Sept. (no copy kept.) Proposal by I.C.R.M. Company for Panama Sei'vice. Robert Wilson, Director I.C.R.M Company, to Mr. Ward—withdrawing the above proposal. Mr. Ward to the Right Honourable F. Peel—requesting reply letters of loth August and 5th October, 1863. Secretary I.C.R.M. Company to Mr. Ward. 2 31st 3 5th December, 1862 i 13th November, 1862 o f> 7 8 <) 10 21st 25th 19th 26th 2nd December, 1862 5th March, 1863 11 20th 12 13 26th 1st April, 1863 14 19th 15 7th May, 1863 16 19th 17 23rd June, 1863 - 18 8th Jaly, 1863 19 15th August, 1863 20 28th 21 22 28th 2nd September, 1863 ■2:i 12th 24 9th 25 26 18th 23rd •-'7 28 3rd October, 18G3 3rd 29 5th 30 6th