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C—No. 4.

FORM OF NOTICE TO BE POSTED ISY THE SUBYEYOE. To all persons whom it may concern. I hereby give notice that residing at did on the day of aPPty to me for an "Extended Claim" of [here state area] of land, which the Mining Surveyor has this day marked out, and that any person desiring to object to such extended claim, must, within seven clear days from the date of this notice, enter his objection at my office. And I further give notice that I will hear and determine this application and tie objection [if any] lodged there against at my office aforesaid, on the day of 18G Signature of [Warden.] Dated the day of 18G Posted by me this day of Mining Surveyor. 5. Extended Claims to be Registered If no valid objection is offered, the Warden may, upon hearing the application, issue a certificate of registration for an extended claim, specifying therein the area granted, the exact position of the same, and the special conditions (if any) upon which such certificate has been granted, and the charge for such registration shall be ten shillings. 6. Forfeiture. If at any time the requisite number of Loldera of miners' rigLts 11. all not be employed or occupied upon any such " Extended Claim," the Warden may, upon proof thereof being produced before him, in the presence of all parties interested, cancel the certificate of registration, either in the whole or part, as may be equitable. Provided always that a monetary penalty may be imposed in lieu of forfeiture as set forth in Section 6 of Regulation XI. » Dated at Picton this Thirtieth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. A. P. SEYMOUR, Superintendent of the Province of Marlborough.