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became known, the runanga despatched ten men to give chase to the purchaser, and to recover the powder, if possible, because, as they said, they were anxious that this district should not be compromised. They call themselves always " Kupapa," as being partizans of neither side. No. 22. COPY OF A DESPATCH PROM GOVERNOR SIR GEORGE GREY, X.C.8., TO HIS GBACE THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE, K.G. (No. 27; Government House, Auckland, My Lord Duke, — February 15, 1864. I have the honour to enclose, for your Grace's information, the copy of a Despatch I have received from Lieut.-General Cameron, C.8., reporting the details of an action with the rebel natives "which took place on the Mangapiko river on the 11th instant, in which they suffered considerable loss. 2. Your Grace will read with pleasure the gratifying testimony which General Cameron bears to the gallantry and zeal displayed by all the officers and men, both of the regular and colonial forces, who were engaged on this occasion. I have, &c. His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, K.G., G. Grey. &c. &c. &c. Enclosure 1 in No. 22. * LIEUTENANT-GENERAL CAMERON TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Head Quarters, Camp Te Bore, Sir,— February 13, 1864. * Lieut.-Colonel Sh-H. Haveloek, "Bavt.; I have the honour to forward, for your Excellency's information, Captain Jnckson, Foreetßangers, Captain cop i es 0 f repor t s received from Colonel Waddy, C.8., and other Yon lempsky, Forest Rangers. of^ cci , g (m uamed jn the margin^ of a &knd*h which took place on the 11th instant on the Mangapiko river. Having been an eyewitness to the engagement, I can fully corroborate the favourable report given by Colonel Waddy, C.8., and Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Haveloek, Bart., of the conduct of all the troops engaged. I beg more particularly to bring to your favorable notice the gallantry displayed by Captains Jackson and Yon Tempsky, and the officers and men of the Eorest Bangers, under their command. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Henry Haveloek exhibited the greatest zeal and gallantry throughout the engagement, the successful result of which is in great measure to be attributed to the skill with which he directed the movements of the skirmishers, and intercepted the retreat of the enemy. I have, &c, D. A. Cameron, His Excellency Sir George Grey, .X.C.8., Lieut.-General. &c. &c. &c. Sub-Enclosures. COLONEL WADDY, C.8., XO THE ASSISTANT MILITARY SECRETARY, TE EORE. In front of Paterangi, Sir,— February 12, 1864. I have the honour to report, for the information of the Lieut.-General Commanding the Forces, that about 3 p.m. yesterday a party of about .30 men of the force under my command were proceeding to bathe in tho river at a point some 500 yards to the right rear of this camp, when they were fired upon by a party of the enemy, who lay concealed in the fern on the opposite side of the river. The covering party of 20 men, under an officer of the 40th Begt., returned the fire. Upon hearing which lat once sent off 50 men to reinforce this party. A very sharp fire was kept up by both sides for some time, the Maoris falling back. Seeing that a considerable number of the enemy were «cattered about the flat near the river, I sent out further reinforcements, till about 200 men were engaged. Owing to the broken nature of the ground, and the high and thick fern, the troops could advance but slowly, and had great difficulty in finding where the enemy lay. After the greater number of the enemy had retired, I recalled the troops, as soon as all our killed and wounded were carried off the field, except one of the 40th Begt. Ten dead and two wounded Maoris were also brought into our <amp, but several more were left on the field. Lieut.-Coloiiel Sir H. Haveloek, Bait, (who was