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E.—No. 5

No. 1. LIEUTENANT-GENERAL CAMERON, C.8., TO GOVERNOR SIB GEORGE GRET, K.CB. Head Quarters, New Plymouth, June 9th, 1863. Sir — I have the honor to report for the information of Your Excellency that the rebel Natives having collected in considerable numbers, reported to be 600, about 15 miles from New Plymouth on the left bank of the Katikara river, which forms the boundary of the European land in that direction, and runs within a few hundred yards of St. George's Redoubt on the Tataraimaka block, I decided upon crossing the river, and attacking their position, as it appeared likely from the care with which they had fortified it that they intended to make a stand, and that a favourable opportunity would thus be afforded of striking a decisive blow. I accordingly marched out of New Plymouth at 9 o'clock on the night of the 3rd instant, with nearly the whole of the regular troops forming the garrison of the town, and proceeded towards the Katikara river. In order that the march might not be impeded, the guns, mortars, and reserve ammunition had been sent on a few hours before, under a strong escort, .and no tents or baggage of any kind were allowed to accompany the column. The officers and men carried each a blanket, and a day's provisions cooked. The column having been joined on the line of march by detachments of the 57th regiment from the outposts, arrived at St. George's Redoubt a little before 4 o'clock on the morning of the 4th instant. The strength and composition of the force thus assembled, including the garrison of the Redoubt, are shown in the margin.

Before leaving New Plymouth, I had arranged with Capt. Mayne, R.N., that H.M.S. 'Eclipse' should be at the mouth of the Katikara river before daybreak, ready to co-operate in the attack I had found it veiy difficult to obtain accurate information regarding the points where the river could be most easily crossed, and it was also impossible by observation from St. George's Redoubt, to ascertain the exact nature of the enemy's defences. The left bank of the river was about 60 or


Distribution. Field officers Capts. Subalterns. Staff. Sergts. DrumRank and File. mers. general Staff. dedical Staff. Commissariat Staff..- ... loyal Artillery loyal Engineers lOth Regiment 17th Regiment >5th Regiment '0th Regiment fransport Corps 5 1 2 1 "a i 3 1 a i 3 2 8 2 6 3 6 18 4 12 1 _ 9 1 3 113 13 1 353 77 209 5 i i Totals 9 21 _ 15 771