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E.—No. 4

No. 21. THE HONORABLE THE NATIVE MINISTER TO THE ASSISTANT NATIVE 8ECRETABY, TAEANAKI. Native Secretary's Office, Auckland, May 6th, 1862. Sie,— I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter dated 17th ultimo, reporting the representations of the Chiefs Whatitiri and Te Waka, in reference to Hapurona. In reply, 1 am directed by Mr. Fox to inform you that he does not attach much importance to the threats reported by you, as he thinks that Hapurona will not dare to commit any outrage unless assured of support from more powerful Natives. But the origin of Hapurona's wrath —namely, the alleged misconduct of Captain Brown and Mr. Gold, of Her Majesty's service, appears to be still undisposed of; and I am to state that this will be brought immediately under the attention of His Excellency's Advisers. I have, ifec, Henry Halse, Acting Native Secretary. E. Parris, Esq., J.P., New Plymouth.

No. 22. ASSISTANT NATIVE SECRETARY, TARANAKI, TO THE HONORABLE THE NATIVE MINISTER. New Plymouth, April 29th, 1862. Sik,— I have the honor to apply for instructions from the Government in reference to Cattle belonging to Europeans running on Native land, as to whether the Government, under the peculiar circumstances of the Province, wish to have the Native Land Purchase Ordinance enforced, or whether the Government would give me discretionary authority to lay information against any person who may intentionally drive their Cattle or Sheep on to Native land with a view to benefit by the Euns (to the annoyance of the Natives); as in some cases the Settlers complain of a difficulty in keeping their Cattle upon their Farms in consequence of the imperfect state of their fences, which have not been renewed since the late disturbances. I have, <kc, Eobert Parris, Assistant Native Secretary. The Honorable the Native Minister, Auckland.

No. 23. ASSISTANT NATIVE SECRETARY, TAEANAKI, TO THE HONORABLE THE NATIVE MINISTER. New Plymouth, May 1st, 1862. Sir,— With reference to the subject of my letter of the 29th ultimo, I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of correspondence on the same subject, as per margin, and to request to be furnished ■with instructions as to the wishes of the Government in such cases during the unsettled state of the Province. I have, &c, Eobert Parris, Assistant Native Secretary. The Honorable the Native Minister, Auckland. Enclosure 1 to No. 23. Superintendent's Office, New Plymouth, 28th April, 1862. Sib,— I have to bring under your notice a statement made by Mr. A. Hoskins, that sheep are depasturing on the Native Lands the other side of the Bell Block. These sheep are reported to be diseased ; and whether they are or not, are illegally depasturing on the Native Land unless they are Native property. I have, &c., Charles Beown, , . E. Parris, Esq., New Plymouth. Superintendent.