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D.—No. 5

as hand-money, for which they defray part of the expenses of agency, in procuring the people and other costs combined with it. 5. The Emigrants shall be sent from Hamburgh, and shall be of a respectable character, and chiefly composed of persons who have been engaged in agricultural pursuits, or mechanics who have mostly lived in the country. G. They must be in good health, and free from all bodily and mental defects at the time of embarkation. 7. The age of married couples must not in the case of either the husband or wife exceed 58 years on embarkation. People of the higher ages, but never to exceed 58, will only be sent if accompanied by many or grown up children. 8. Bounty will not be paid for husbands who embark without being accompanied by their wives, nor for wives who embark without being accompanied by their husbands. An exception is only to be allowed when either the man or wife have died after their having been engaged to emigrate to New Zealand. No single women nor men, no widowers nor widows, are taken on bounty. 9. The Emigrants of each emigrant ship shall be accompanied by a surgeon, for whom a cabin passage shall be provided, and for whom the Government will pay to Messrs. J. C. Godeffroy and Son the passage, at the rate of £45, payable in New Zealand 6 per cent, bonds (debentures), which sum the surgeon has not to repay. 10. The Shippers engage to victual the Emigrants if necessary or required, eight days after the ship's arrival at the port of Taranaki; but if detained on board beyond eight days, the Government has to pay two shillings per day for every adult, besides a fair demurrage for the ship. The following rules relate to the Immigrants : 11. Parties Immigrating under the above regulations, will receive from the Government of New Zealand, the following land grants and privileges, viz. : Each married man, above 20 years, will have thirty acres of good country land assigned to him, within one month at the latest after his arrival, at the rate of one pound per acre, to be paid for within ten years after arrival. He will get ten acres more for each son of the age of 18 years or above. He will also get a free grant of one quarter of an acre, as a building lot in the village nearest laid out to the country land assigned to him. It is to be well understood that the Immigrant has not at any time to pay for this building lot, and that no charge is to be made for the survey of the land, or delivery of the title. 12. The Bounty money paid to Messrs. J. C. Godeffroy and Son is upon the principle of an advance made by the Government to provide a passage for the Emigrant, but which the EmitTant is bound to repay to the Government as hereinafter mentioned. 13. In order that the Emigrants should fully understand this condition, each head of a family will be required to sign a contract prior to his departure from Hamburgh. The Government of New Zealand has to empower Gustavus Godeftroy, Esq., Senator of the free and Hanseatic City of Hamburgh, and partner of the firm of John Cesar Godeffroy and Son to sign this contract on behalf of the Government. The contracts are all to be alike and of the same tenor, and to be made in the German language only, and according to the stipulations of the regulations agreed on, as well binding the Government as the Emigrant to the fulfilment of their respective engagements. A translation in the English language of this contract will be furnished to the Government if required or desired. 14. The mode of the repayment for passages as well as the payment in respect of the land granted and the rations provided shall be as follows : —■ One Fifth at the end of the sixth year. One fifth ,, „ „ seventh year. One fifth ,, ,, „ eighth year. One fifth ,, „ „ ninth year. One fifth „ ,, ,, tenth year. :ifter arrival at the port of debarkation. No interest, commission or extra charge is to be paid by the Immigrant for either repayment or payment above specified. 15. The full title to the land is in all events to be given to the Immigrants when both purchase and passage money, and money he is indebted for, for rations provided, have been refunded to Government. No charge whatever is to be made for the survey of land or delivery of title. The Immigrant has the right of paying off the whole or any part of the debt at any earlier period than stipulated. 16. The Government will, at its own cost, provide conveyance for the Emigrants and their baggage and effects from the ship to the respective localities and land assigned to the Immigrants. ThcTGovernment has also at its own cost to provide house, barrack or hut room, and rations to the Emigrants until their lands are assigned to them, and they have been conveyed there. The Emigrants have not to repay either of these costs to the Government. 17. No customs duty will be charged on the personal baggage and effects of the Emigrants not intended for trade or merchandise. 18. Eations will be furnished by Government for at utmost eighteen months after arrival on the land assigned to Immigrants who desire it on the following scale: — lOlbs. of Mour. lOlbs. of Meat. 21bs. of Sugar. Jib. of Tea, for each adult and without difference as to sexes. Two children from 1 to 10 years to be considered as one adult, and according to the ages as set forth in the contract made in Hamburgh.