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D.—No. b

No. 13. MR. MORRISON TO THE HONORABLE THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. Office of the New Zealand Government Agency, 3, Adelaide Place. King AVilliam Street, London, 14th April, 1863. .Sir — AVith reference to your letter of number and date; as in margin, informing me Mr. John Pedor Augustus Kelling having been authorised by the Government to proceed, as their agent, for purposes connected with the proposed establishment of a German settlement in the Province of Taranaki, and authorizing me to pay to Air. Kelling, upon his certificate, one pound per diem while on the voyage from Nelson to Europe, and two pounds per diem while in Europe, for a period not exceeding one year from the date of his departure from Nelson, and a sum of eighty pounds when he wishes to return to New Zealand ; I have the honor to state, in reply, that these particulars have my attention, and will accordingly be carried out. I have, Ac, John Morrtson. The Honorable Colonial Secretary, Auckland, New Zealand.

No. 11. 6th January, 18t>3.

No. 14. MB. KELLING TO THE HONORABLE THE COLONIAL SECRETARY. Nelson, 14th January, 1863. Sir — 1 have the honor to acklowledge the receipt of your letters, with enclosures, dated .Tan. 6th, Nos. 17, 24, and 25. In the instructions sent to me for my guidance in engaging the emigrants, I find it is not stated how much land they (the immigrants) are to have, whether they have to pay for it, and if so, how much per acre, and in what terms of years. It is, further, not stated, as verbally agreed upon, that the Government will provide them with provisions from 12 to 18 months. I should feel obliged to you if you would inform me on these points, so that I am able to give the men positive answer on these questions, which they are sure to put to me; and if I cannot satisfy them in this respect, it might be that in consequence I should be unable to agree with some of the best men. I consider it my duty to state that, unless the above mentioned points are clearly defined, it might impair materially the scheme which we have in view. I have, Ac., Red. Keeling. To the Honorable the Colonial Secretary, Auckland.

No. 15. THE UNDER SECRETARY TO MR. KEELING. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 22nd January, 1863. Sir, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 14th instant, calling attention to some apparent omissions in the instructions lately sent you as to the proposed German Immigration. On reference to the " Regulations " which accompanied these instructions you will find that specific terms are stated in respect of each of the points which you enquire about. Regulation 11 specifies the quantity of land to be assigned to each Immigrant and its price. Regulation 14 prescribes the terms of payment. Regulation 16, the terms on which a free grant may be earned. Regulations 20 and 21 refer to Government work and rations.