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D.—No. 5

6. Single women over 15 years without their parents are not admissible, unless they are emigrating under the immediate care of some married relations, or under some other proper protectionThey cannot be accepted for the bounty if above thirty years old ; single women with illegitimate children will in no case be taken. 7. 33ounty will not be payable to single men, except for a number, as near as may be equal to that of the single women (of fifteen years of age and upwards) sent out in the same ship, or in any number of ships sent to the same settlement at or about the same time. N. No bounty will be payable for widowers or widows with young children, nor for persons who have been the inmates of any penal reformatory, or pauper institution, or who have not been vaccinated, or who have not had the small pox. , 0. The Emigrants of any emigrant-ship shall be accompanied by a surgeon, and may also be accompanied bv a clergyman or teacher, for whom a cabin passage shall be provided, and for whom the Colonial Government will allow each. Such persona will be entitled to the same conditions with regard to land as other Immigrants, but they will not be required to repay any part of the passage money. 10. The Shippers engage to victual the Emigrants, if required, for eight days after the ships' arrival at the Port agreed on in such case, but if detained on board beyond eight days the Government will pay 2s. per day for such further time for every adult, besides a fair demurrage for the ship. The foregoing rules relate to the Shippers ; the following to the Emigrants. 11. Parties emigrating under the above regulations will receive from the Government of New Zealand the following land grants and privileges, viz.: Each married and single man above nineteen years will have twenty acres of good country land assigned to him, at the rate of Two pounds per acre, to be paid for within ten years after arrival. Each married and siiigle man above nineteen years of age, will get a free grant of one quarter of an acre as a building lot in a village, in such part of the Province of as the Government of New Zealand shall direct. 12. The bounty money paid to the Shippers is upon the principle of an advance made by the Government to provide a passage for the Emigrants, but which the Emigrant is bound to repay to the Government, as hereinafter mentioned. 13. In order that the Emigrants should fully understand this condition of embarkation, each head of a family, or adult Immigrant, will be required to dulv sign and execute such legal instrument, as shall be furnished to them by Mr. Kelling for that purpose, prior to the departure of the Emigrant ship from Hamburgh, binding him to reimburse the Government of New Zealand in the amount of bounty money paid for his passage. The Government will, however, remit one half of the bounty or passage money in respect of the female members of families, being unmarried and between the ages of twelve and twenty-five years. \i. The mode of such repayment, as well as the payment in respect of land grants and purchases, shall be as follows :— One-fifth at the end of the 4th year. Do. do. 5th do. Do. do. Oth do. Do. do. 7th do. Do. do. Sth do. after arrival at the port of debarkation. 15. The Immigrants have the right of paying off" the whole or any part of the debt at an earlier period. 16. Such of the Immigrants as have been trained as soldiers, shall have their title to the 20 acres of land free of any payment for such laud after seven years' occupation, provided they fulfil the following conditions : They shall be regularly enrolled as militia, and shall be called out and treated as militia on active service, and shall do all in their power to defend their settlement. They shall be mustered for inspection and drill at fixed short intervals, not exceeding one month. • They shall at all times obey the orders of military officers, to be appointed by Government, and placed over them, and they shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may be made by Government for their control, in the nature of militia regulations. 17. The full title to the land will be given when both purchase and passage money are paid off, and the outlay of the Government for rations and money, paid in cash to the Immigrants is by the latter refunded. No charge will be made for the survey of land or delivery of title. 18. The Government will at its own cost provide conveyances for the Immigrants, and their baggage and effects, from the ship at the port of disembarkation, to the respective localities of the Immigrants. 19. No customs duty will be charged on the personal luggage and effects of the Immigrants not intended for trade or merchandise. 20. The men are to undertake to work for Government, if required, on roads connected with the settlement, for rations and pay. amounting in value to seven shillings a week, and two shillings a day in cash; such work, if required, will be given at such times as to interfere as little as