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B.—No. 3a.


copy of DESPATCH fbom his geace the duke of Newcastle, e.g., to govebnob sib geobge OBEY, K.C.B. Downing Street, 5th Febraaiy, 1863. Sir, — I transmit for your information a copy of a letter from the Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, with its enclosure, shewing that a sum of Fifteen pounds eight shillings and twopence is due by your Government in consequence of the non receipt from the Colony by the 1st ultimo of the amount required to pay the interest due on that day on the Debentures for the guaranteed Loan to New Zealand ; and in pursuance of the desire of their Lordships, I have to instruct you to act in conformity with their Lordships' wishes in the matter. You will see that the sum thus charged is for interest due from the 1st to the 15th of January (the day on which your Despatch No. 96 was received) on a sum of Seven thousand five hundred pounds advanced by their Lordships' orders from Imperial Funds to meet the demand in question. I have, <fec, _ Newcastle. Governor Sir George Grey, K.C.B.

THE EIGHT HONOBABLE F. PEEL TO SIB F. BOGEES. Treasury Chambers, 26th January, 1863. With reference to your letter of the 16th inst, I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury to request that you will state to the Duke of Newcastle that in consequence of the non-receipt by the 1st instant of the amount required to pay the interest due on that day on the Debentures for the Guaranteed Loan to New Zealand, viz, Series A £300,000 „ 0 25,000 >, D 50,000 their Lordships have, pursuant to the provisions of the Act 20 & 21, Viet. Cap. 51, directed the advance, out of the Consolidated Fund, of the sum of £7,500 required for that purpose. I am desired to transmit herewith the certificate of this advance as required by the 4th Section of that Act, and to request that you will move his Grace to communicate the same to the Governor, in order that it may be communicated to the General Assembly of the Colony as directed by that Act.