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E.—No. 13

Kawaua ki tctahi utu mo tana haerenga ki Taranaki ki to whawhai. Ko tetahi wahi tena o taku mohio. Tetehi. ko te tohenga ki to whakanoho hoia kite la. Ko enei oku wahi rururaru: ekore nei :iliau c whakaae kia whakawakia a Waitara inaiauei. Engari kia kore tikanga aTe Kawana kia pai nga whakaaro, kia pai nga mahi, ka whakaae ahau. Ko tenei, c hoa. Taihoa atu taua c whakarite kia tirotiro ahau i roto i enei takiwo, tera atu pcatetehi mahi a Te Kawana kei te ngaro i oku kanohi, tera pea c kitea a muri atu, koia nei taku tupatu, kei niaumau whakarite noa taua, tera pea he pakanga ano. Heoi ano aku koi-ero kia koe. ?fa to hoa, Na Wi Tamehaxa Te Wahaboa. (Translation.) Tamaliere. January 21, 1862. To Mr. Fox, the Mediator between the Maori and the Pakeha. Fbiejtd,— Salutations to you. I did not see your letter. 1 had passed on to Hauraki oil the 22nd December. On the 25th 1 reached Kanaeranga, and on the Saturday your letter passed on to Wharekawa. On the Wednesday I reached Piako, and ou the Friday I arrived at Peria. I there saw a letter from Te Paama (Mr. Palmer), saying that you were staying at Tainahere, waiting for me. On the Saturday, I started for Tamahere. It was a very bad day, and I did not reach Tainahere. 1 passed the Sunday at Maungakawa, and started for Tamahere at 6 o'clock. Piripi came, and I asked him where Mr. Fox was. Piripi said, "He lias returned to the town." " When did he return P" " This day." Enough ;my annoyance was great at not having seeii you. ] reached Ngamawahia at 11, and went to Mr. Ashwell's. Mr. Ashwell said to me, "Tour friend Mr. Fox has returned : the cause of his coming was to have some men appointed for Waitara, and also to have some discreet and intelligent pakehas to investigate the Waitara case." Friend, your korero is very just, and would have been very good some time ago, while the fighting was going on. The object of making peace was that the lighting might cease, —that the plans for Waitara might be deliberated upon, so as to ascertain if Governor Browne was right, and Te Bangitake wrong ; for it was impossible to see who was in error while the war continued. I therefore said to the General—Let your soldiers go, that the Maories my return to their own places ; let the lawhave the care of Waitara; let a good man from the Queen investigate the case, that is, some person sent by the Duke of Newcastle to suppress the troubles in this land. This, oh friend, was my plan. At present Ido not quite understand the doings of our friend (Sir George) Grey ; I am not quite sure whether his thoughts are good or evil. Perhaps after some time 1 may know his thoughts. Your plan is good, very good, and very just (or proper). This is the only thing that stops it. Ido not know the thoughts of the Governor ;we might waste time investigating, and afterwards there would be fighting at some other part. For instance, I am acquainted at the present time with some of the Governor's plans. lam very suspicious. A man named Perereka of Patumahoe, who went to Taranaki, writes to me to say, that the Governor has demanded payment for his having gone to Taranaki to tight. That is part of what I know ; another thing, "is the persisting in stationing soldiers at Te la. These are the tilings that perplex me. I shall not now consent to Waitara being investigated. When the Governor ceases to plan, and when his thoughts and his works are good, then I will consent. As it is, 0 Friend, you and I will make arrangements bye and bye. Let me look about me at the present time. Perhaps there are some other works of the Governor's which are hidden from my eyes, which will perhaps be seen after a while. Hence my caution, it would be waste (work) for you and Tto arrange when there may be war again. From your Friend, Wi Tamehana tk Wahauoa.

No. 4. KARAITIAXA AXD O'CHKES TO WIREM.U TAMEHANA. Ehoa. Tena koe, me o tatou mate o kona o konei. Kua tae mai te hoa o te Kawana ki a matou i te 8 o nga ra o Maehe. a Te Pokiha, ki be kawe mai i nga korero. Korero ana aka mutu, ka rongo atu matou ka utua atu c matou. Ko te kupu a Potatou ito timatanga o te lie ki Waitara i karanga EU kia whakawakia. Ko tana kupu ano i kiia c koe i Taranaki kia waiho a Waitara ma te ture c whakawa, ko tana k\i\m auo i konei c whakahuatia ana c matou i konei. Ko taua kupu ano te kupu i kalia ai o tatou lioa Pakalia nei. Ko te kupu toa rawa tenei o a tatou nei korero. haere toa atu ana ki Ingaraagi, a hinga ana tana parekura ki reira. Koia tenei tona putanga mai, ko Kawana Kerei. Koia tenei ta matou kupu i ki atu ai ki to hoa o te Kawana. Ko te whakaroatanga ote whak&wakanga mo Waitara. Katahi ate Pokiha ka ki mai. Kei a koe c whakaroa an;i. lfe kore kaore i kaha to vhakaaetanga