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E.—No. 13

No. 1. COIT OF DESPATCH FROM GOVEBIfOR SIR GEORGE GREY, X.C.8., TO lITS GKACK THK DUKE OP JTEWCA.STLE, K.G. Auckland, 7th January, 1862. Mv Lord Duke, — I have the honor to enclose a very interesting journal kept by Mr. Fox, the head of the present New Zealand Ministry, during a visit he recently made up the Waikato Eiver, which is •well worthy of your Grace's perusal. I have, &c, G. Ghet. Sis Grace the Duke of Newcastle, K.G.

Enclosure to No. 1. NOTES BY THE COLOJJIAJ, SECRETARY DURING HIS VISIT TO THE WAIKATO, DECEMBER, 1861. 18th December.—-Loft His Excellency at Maiuigatawhiri. Proceeded up the river in the Eev. Mr. Ashwell's canoe, reached Paetai at midnight. This is a very good specimen of a Maori village, more orderly and well kept than most. The Court House built when Mr. Fenton was Eesident Magistrate, is still standing, and in good repair, and as if to bear testimony to his work was partly filled with a quantity of grans seed. We slept in the Court House, and in the morning visited the school kept by Eoka, which we found in very good order, and the children remarkably clean and tidy. See Mr. Gorst's report on this school. It is one of a class which ought to be encouraged by Government. At present schools of this class are not in receipt of any Government aid, and the consequence is that they seldom continue in existence for any length of time. They could be almost indefinitely multiplied, and if a small salary, say from £10 to £25 a year, were paid to the teachers, and a small supply of books, &c, provided, they would probably become permanent institutions. At present very little instruction is given in them, but they do good notwithstanding, in reclaiming the children from the worst habits of the pa, and accustoming them to cleanliness and a certain amount of discipline. I shall authorise Mr. Gorst to promise salaries and assistance in all cases in his district in which he may think it advantageous. Paetai is the residence of Kissling, one of the most influential old chiefs of lower "Waikato. We visited him before leaving. Called in passing at Mr. Armitage's place. Found him at home. Offered him the appointment of Eesident Magistrate, which he accepted, with the understanding that as soon as the district of Lower Waikato is organized, he will be appointed Commissioner. He will at once assist Mr. Fenton in organising the district. He ought to be immediately gazetted as Eesident Magistrate. This appointment lias been approved by every person to whom I have mentioned it in this district. Arrived at Taupiri Mission Station (Mr. Ashwell's) at 4 p.m., after encountering the heaviest thunder storm I have experienced in New Zealand. 20th.—Eainy day. 21st. —Started on horseback for Tamahere (accompanied by Mr. Gorst, E.M., and Mr. J. Palmer, who is acting as his interpreter, pro. tern), expecting to find "William Thompson (Tarapipipi) there, as a message had been despatched to Peria on the previous Wednesday, requesting him to