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E.—No. 12

the result of that Council to you, after the Governor has been made acquainted with it. The road will not be stopped. The asterisks denote the speakers of Naylor's party. I have, &c, Hy. J. Falwasseb, Clerk and Interpreter. To Major E. H. McGregor, E.M., Eaglan.

No. 12. Kirikiriroa, Nowema 1, 1862. Kia Tb Pere, kei Akarana, — Ehoa, tena koe! He karere tenei naku ki a koe, mo nga korero ate Eunanga nui o Niu Tireni i turia ki Peria. 1. Ko te rori ki Mangatawhiri, kaua c whiti mai ki tenei taha. 2. Ko te rori ki Mangatawhiri; kaua c whiti mai i Waitetuna. 3. Ko te t ima kaua c rere mai ki roto o Waikato. 4. Ko te pakanga whenua kia whakamatua. Kia waiho ma te whakarite whakawa anake te ritenga mo te whenua. 5. Ko te nama ki nga taonga ote pakeha me mutu tera.—Eoma, xiii, 8. 6. Ko nga pakeha c noho nei i o matou nei aroaro, ahakoa Minita pakeha, Maori ranei, kia kaua c kino kia ratou engari kia atawhaitia. Ko nga pakeha c kino ana ki ta matou titiro me whakahoki atu ki Akarana. 7. Ko te Kawana me haere mai ki Waikato nei, a te ra c karangatia ai, ko te take, kia whakapuaki tonu mai ia i tana tino kupu kite kanohi o nga tangata Maori mo te puaki atu hoki ote kupu a nga tangata Maori ki tona kanohi tonu, kite pai nga korero a taua ra. Kei muri atu ka whakawakia Waitara. E hoa, kaore i ata takoto nga korero mo Waitara, he nui nga tangata i pai kia whakawakia Waitara, he nui ano nga tangata kaore i pai kite whakawa; otira ki taku mahara tera ano c taea Waitara c te whakawa, no te mea he nui nga tangata whai whakaaro i tae ki runga i taua kupu. Heoi ana aku korero ki a koe. Tena koe. Ma Te Atua koe c tiaki. Na to hoa pononga, Na Heta Tauranga.

Translation. heta tauranga to the honobable the native ministeb. Kirikiriroa, November Ist, 1862. To Mr. Bell, at Auckland, — Friend, greeting! This is my messenger to you about the talk of the great Eunanga of New Zealand held at Peria. 1. The road at Mangatawhiri: it must not be continued (be made) on this side. 2. The road at Whaingaroa: it must not cross Waitetuna. 3. The steamer must not enter the Waikato. 4. Fighting about land is to be discontinued. The laud is to be adjudicated according to law. 5. Credit for European goods is to be discontinued.—Bomans, xiii. 8. 6. The Europeans who are living amongst us, whether ministers or Pakeha-Maoris, must not be ill treated, but must be taken care of. Europeans who, in our estimation, conduct themselves badly, are to be sent back to Auckland. 7. The Governor should (be asked to) come to Waikato upon a day to be appointed, that he may at once explain to us his great word (intentions) in the presence of the Maori people ; and also that the natives may make known their word (or intentions) to him personally. Should the talk on that day be good, the Waitara question will afterwards be investigated. Friend, The talk about (the investigation of) Waitara was not quite settled ; many people were in favour of the investigation of Waitara, and many people were opposed to it. But, in my opinion, the investigation of Waitara will be (accomplished) carried, because there were many people of wisdom who were in favour of the investigation. This is all I have to say to you. Greeting! May God protect you, From your humble servant, Heta Tauranga. ___________

No. 13. Tamahere, Nowema 3rd, 1862. E hoa c Te Kawana, — Tena koe. Kua oti te huihuinga a Wiremu Tamehana. Maku c korero atu kia koe nga take o taua huihuinga nei.